
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Participation in decision making
    The opinions of the students and staff at ESHCC are highly valued. Read more about the Faculty Council or Programme Committees here.
  • Available electives for Bachelor students
    Students of other Bachelor programmes can follow electives at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Have a look at the options.
  • Micro Grants
    The ERMeCC Digital Research Lab Micro-grants provide a flexible system of researcher-lead digital methods innovation. Grants are available up to 1.000 euro per…
  • Apply for a micro-grant
    The ERMeCC Digital Research Lab Micro-grants provide a flexible system of researcher-lead digital methods innovation.  Grants are available up to 1.000 euros…
  • Physical Lab
    Lab Spaces The ERMeCC Digital Research Lab is housed in the Van der Goot building in two rooms, M8-19 and M8-23. Both rooms offer different ways to conduct…
  • Virtual Lab
    Welcome to our virtual lab page. This page provides an overview of software tools related to the ERMeCC digital research lab. The information is only applicable…
  • Vulnerability Reporting Form
    For reporting vulnerabilities in our IT systems, we have a Responsible Disclosure policy available. …
  • The Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine: In the service of the Rhine economy
    Mr Jean-Marie Woehrling, the former Secretary General of the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine, spoke at the 4th Transnational Rhine Conference.
  • Admission Requirements
    Admission requirements
  • IBCoM Confirmation of participation
    Congratulations on being selected for IBCoM! We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in September.  …

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