
2567 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Wheelchair loan
    The Erasmus MC and Woudestein have wheelchairs available for visitors with mobility difficulties. Would you like to book a wheelchair, or more information on…
  • Transforming the energy system by diversifying power
    Interview by Clara Clachant as follow-up to webinar by prof. Jennie C. Stephens. “Injustices happen, because very few people make decisions for the majority”.
  • Publication series on Just Sustainability Transitions
    In this publication series, we explore the intersections of justice, sustainability and transformative change.
  • Urban Environmental Justice and Green Gentrification
    This blog summarizes the main insights from the webinar "Urban Environmental Justice & Green Gentrification".
  • Admission Requirements
    Admission requirements
  • IBCoM Confirmation of participation
    Congratulations on being selected for IBCoM! We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in September.  …
  • Electives Arts & Culture 2024-2025
    Want to follow an elective in the field of arts and culture at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication? Have a look at the options.
  • Electives History
    Want to follow an elective in the field of history at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication? Have a look at the options.
  • Career & Choice of study test
    You can schedule an appointment with the student counsellor or career adviser to see whether the Occupations Interest Test would be a good tool for you. After
  • Study switch Workshop
    In the Study switch workshop you’ll learn how to approach the process of choosing a programme and you’ll focus on answering questions about your choice of study.

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