As a professional working in the field of History, Culture or Communication, collaborating with students can be inspiring. It helps you to understand what’s on top of mind of the future generation, while at the same time it helps the students to understand what happens in the field, practice their skills and get a better idea of what interests them.

Looking for an intern?
Bachelor students of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication all do a compulsory internship during their study programme. In our faculty, they acquire a wide range of skills, which can be valuable for your company or organisation.
Choose one of our departments below to find out what specific skills our students possess and to find the contact details of the internship coordinators:
History internships
Arts & Culture Studies internships
Media & Communication internships
Guest lectures and case studies
Would you like to share your valuable knowledge, insights, skills and experiences with our students? Or do you want to pick their brains and receive fresh perspectives on activities happening in your company? Then we invite you to fill in our webform (see below) to indicate how you would like to collaborate with us, and on which topic. You will receive a response from us within 10 working days.

Commissioned research
As an institution, government agency or business, you can enlist our services for scientific research, advice and consultancy or education tailored to suit your specific needs. We work on research projects commissioned by or in cooperation with businesses, museums, government agencies and other organisations. These projects can result in a monograph, independent advice, a website or a database, to name a few examples.
Visit our pages about Research to learn more about our research projects and researchers.
If you would like to explore the options, please contact the Research Office via

Media performances and public lectures
Our researchers gladly share their insights with a broader audience. They regularly appear in the media or give public lectures.
If you would like to speak with one of our experts, you can contact Julia Wetsteijn, via