Work Plan

The TRESCA project is divided into seven interconnected work packages (WPs). Each work package of the TRESCA project has a distinct role to realise the defined ambitions and impact.

  • Work Package 1: Science communication in context focuses on creating in-depth conceptual and theoretical understanding of the way scientific findings and methods are perceived by citizens depending on the adopted communication method. This first work package builds on the understanding of trends in science communication in relation to various policy levels: internationally, on EU level and member state levels. Furthermore, the work package will focus on creating a new baseline for state-of-the-art science communication videos.

    A simplifies black and white illustration of a map
  • Work Package 2: Public perceptions and experiences of science communication is organized around the following aims. First, the WP will focus on assessing citizen’s perceptions on scientific news quality and their ability to distinguish accurate and false communication. Second, the WP will map out the set of latent imaginaries, emotional charges and value-based judgements that underpin people’s framing of events, phenomena and relevant news. It will give priority to societal understanding and desirability of issues and methods of science communication by involving citizens in discussions and innovation efforts.

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  • Work Package 3: Experimental cross-country online research concentrates on testing the effects of different factors on people’s perceptions of trust in scientific communication through online experiments. In particular, it will study the influence of socio-demographic attributes on perceptions and citizen engagement with science communication efforts. The WP also assesses the effect of cultural, institutional and territorial specificities on people’s trust in SCICOM methods and sources in order to compare variations between an array of science communication methods, adopted at international, EU and member state levels.

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  • Work Package 4: Development of science communication artefacts on creating artefacts that support quality and reliability of new science communications. It suggests new innovative ways to open up science and innovation broadly to society by developing visual content and videos. Lastly, it aims to identify good practices and policy guidelines to increase the accuracy of and trust in science communication, acknowledging the fact that dwindling resources in science journalism have reduced the ability to critically assess and accurately report scientific news.

    Simplified black and white illustration of a video camera
  • Work Package 5: Cultivating excellence in science communication focuses on developing and implementing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for journalists, policy makers, scientists, and the wider public to improve their understanding and applications of science communication. Additionally, the WP will bring forward educational activities within advanced university programs in partner universities with the aim of integrating knowledge gained from project activities and research results.

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  • Work Package 6: Dissemination and stakeholder engagement focuses on dissemination of the project, the communication activities to promote the project and the activities it will organise, as well as making its larger circulation among key stakeholders possible.

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  • Work Package 7: Project Management and coordination focuses on all management aspects of the TRESCA project, and orients the trajectory of the work.

    Simplified black and white illustration of a checklist

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