Sustainability in education at Erasmus University Rotterdam means paying attention to economic, social and ecological development. The goal is that graduates of our university, the leaders of the future, understand the challenges that we should overcome for our society and environment.
Erasmus University Rotterdam offers different bachelor and master programmes and courses in which sustainability plays a major role.
Find a sustainable course or paper with the SDGs mapper
The SDG Mapper is used to classify the extent to which our education and research is related to the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)Opens external of the United Nations. It shows which of the seventeen goals have a high or low number of publications and courses and thereby, for example, can provide insights to start the conversation when formulation of impact ambitions at a school level. Important to note is that it does not say anything about EUR being sustainable or having impact.
The algorithm that is used for the SDG Mapper, is open sourced and available via GithubOpens.Opens external Currently only English-language academic articles and course descriptions are included from PURE, our Current Research Information System (CRIS) and OSIRIS in this alpha version. Dutch-language articles and course descriptions will be machine translated to be included in the next version. The SDG mapper algorithm is validated by researchers from the International Institute of Social Studies. In addition, it is currently compared the EUR algorithm with that of ElsevierOpens external and Leiden CWTSOpens external.

Climate & Ecological Literacy to Action workshop
In 2023 an immersion workshop series on the Climate & Ecological Literacy to Action for employees and students was organized. This workshop series provided insight and high-impact approaches to carbon emission reductions, biodiversity support and ecosystem harmonization. The participants designed a realistic and actionable plan with a team in their area of expertise. The workshop series, led by Joey Johannsen (RSM), was supported by Sustainability Liaison Network, Sustainability Programme, RSM, DIT platform and it will be continued in 2024. Read more on MyEurOpens external.