Great Place to Grow

Medewerkers lopen op de campus.
Alexander Santos Lima

Within Erasmus University, learning is central. Not only for students, but also for staff. Learning contributes to an innovative and attractive working environment, in which sustainable employability and mobility are essential.


Learning and development is of great importance, both for the organisation and for the employee. We therefore invest in our employees and offer them opportunities to invest in themselves.

Andy Troy


In a rapidly changing environment, adaptability is the most important competence an organisation's employees should possess. Adaptability is the ability to adapt to what a new situation demands of the organisation. It enables growth, productivity, quality and change. Learning and development enhances this ability.

Impact, sustainable employability and mobility

Building on professionalism and quality is a prerequisite for achieving social impact. To remain sustainably employable, EUR offers you opportunities to further develop your knowledge and skills. This keeps you fit for the future.

EUR students discuss during a working group.
Alexander Santos Lima


By offering the right development interventions and aligning them with organisational goals, the development of the total organisation is driven. Learning and development connects from an inclusive and interdisciplinary perspective, providing space to be inspired together, pursue goals and make an impact.

Safe learning environment

To achieve a 'Great Place to Grow', a learning culture and a safe learning climate are essential. In a learning culture, employees learn with and from each other and there is room to develop and innovate. This requires a safe learning climate where people dare to speak openly about ambitions and development, where you are allowed to make mistakes and show vulnerabilities.

Read the full vision document below

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