
Port Constructor can be used as a discussion tool. The management game then serves to facilitate dialogue between professionals. The professionals make choices in the game together to see what the possible effects are on port development. Subsequently, these effects are discussed together. A working method is shared below with regard to the energy transition mission.

Working method – Energy transition mission

The professionals are divided into groups and must make a choice per round. The energy transition mission focuses on three rounds.

  • Expand or restructure?
  • Which cluster activity becomes important?
  • Upgrade or diversify?

For each round, the professionals discuss with each other which choice should be made. The different groups make a choice and pitch their argumentation. The choice with the most votes is implemented in Port Constructor. The game shows the effects of the choice, and these effects are then discussed with each other. Path dependency is an important learning objective for this mission. A choice in round 1 influences the possibilities in round 2 and round 3.

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