Tailor-made master classes for municipalities and port companies

Erasmus UPT's port economy experts deliver tailor-made master classes on current and relevant themes around the port. Master classes especially for aldermen, councilors, municipal policy makers and employees.

Insightful decision making

The master classes have been specially developed to provide good insight into what the port is and does, how it is organized, how it works and what comes to it. Our experts provide insight into what is important to take into consideration when making decisions for a good future development of the port-industrial complex, both economically and socially. In addition, specific topics can be explored. Knowledge sharing and discussion are paramount.

Topics that are covered

Examples of topics in the master classes:
• Trends and developments around the port
• Port innovation
• The specification of the energy transition in the port
• The economic city-port relationship
• The administrative port-city relationship
• The strategic role and position of a port company
• The further development of Rotterdam Maritime Capital
• Labor market and the port

The right expert per theme

The experts from Erasmus UPT who knowledgeable about these topics are:
Dr. Bart Kuipers, Dr. Larissa van der Lugt, Dr. Wouter Jacobs, Maurice Jansen, MSc, Martijn Streng, MSc. Where necessary, other experts are also involved in the master classes: the goal is the right expert for the right subject!

Who is it for?

In recent years, Erasmus UPT has designed and given master classes for the municipalities Rotterdam and Amsterdam, for example. Aldermen, councilors, municipal policy makers and employees of port companies deepen their knowledge about the port and what the port sector actually means for the city and the region.

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