Diamond Open access

University Library (UL) is deeply committed to equitable open access such as Diamond Open Access (OA) publishing models in which content can be accessed and published without cost for authors and readers. 

Diamond Open Access model addresses inequality issues created by other Open Access models such as Gold Open Access in which high publication fees are charged to authors. This model addresses inequality issues created by other Open Access models such as Gold Open Access in which high publication fees are charged to authors. However, due to their lack of financing via subscription or publication fees, most Diamond OA initiatives have difficulties finding funding and rely for example on institutional support for their existence. The library is currently supporting the below initiatives and journals. 

Supported Diamond Open Access  journals: Subscribe to Open (S2O) 

The Subscribe to Open (S2O) model allows institutions to ‘subscribe’ to traditionally closed journals, but the subscription fees are used to make the publications Open Access at no cost to the authors. This model often requires a journal to meet a yearly quota of subscribers for the content to become Open Access Supported journals are: Open Anthro collection, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, Pedagogiek, Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, Economics, Sociology.

Supported Diamond Open Access journals: fund or donations 

The following journals have received funding from the library via the Diamond Open Access Fund or donations: Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics, Erasmus Economics & Theology Institute, Sociologie, Journal of Trial and Error.

Supporting Diamond Open Access books: Direct to Open (D2O)

Similar to S20, the Direct to Open (D2O) model flips monographs (instead of journals) to Open Access, making them available for free to other universities across the world. We have participated in MIT Press Direct to Open titles, Bloomsbury’s 'African Studies and International Development’ pledge, and the Knowledge Unlatched SDG 13: Climate Action 2024 eBook collection pledge.

Leading the national project ‘Strengthening Diamond Open Access in the Netherlands’

The library is leading the three-year project (2024-2026) ‘Strengthening Diamond Open Access in the Netherlands’ supported by the Dutch Consortium of University Libraries (UKB). The project aims to reinforce and future-proof the current national Diamond OA publishing through three key strategies: 

  • mapping of the Diamond OA landscape in the Netherlands; (
  • developing cost-efficient collective infrastructure for journals and books, with a focus on Openjournals.nl and library-led university presses; 
  • establishing an expertise center on Diamond Open Access. 

More information about the project is available here.

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