Publisher Deals

Researchers at Erasmus University Rotterdam can benefit from the many agreements that VSNU and the consortium of Dutch university libraries have concluded with publishers.

Within the available Library budget agreements are concluded that enable EUR researchers* to publish in high-quality journals for free or at a discount. Currently, more than 11,000 magazines are covered by these publisher agreements. Keep in mind that only (submitting) corresponding authors can claim the waiver that is offered by a publisher deal. So, make sure this role is assigned to an EUR-researcher when opting for a journal that is part of a publisher deal.

* Corresponding authors who are teaching and research staff employed by Erasmus University (incl. ISS) or Erasmus MC.

Erasmus Journal Browser

The Erasmus Journal Browser is useful tool to find out in which journals you can publish for free or against reduced rates. The Journal Browser is periodically updated, but no rights may be derived from its contents.

Ensure your participation

Below you will find a detailed description per publisher of the actions in the publication process that are required to take advantage of the discount on Open Access.

Please note that only a corresponding author that submits the manuscript to the publisher can claim the waiver that is offered by a publisher deal. It is important to always use your EUR email address in all correspondence with the publisher. 

Some publishers allow a maximum amount of open access publications each year. It sometimes happens that the cap is reached before the end of the year. If your manuscript is accepted between the moment the cap is reached and 1st January 2025, publishers will still offer to publish your article Open Access, but the costs will no longer be covered by the consortium agreement and you will receive an invoice. Researchers who want to stay informed about the status of the capped deals and want to get notified when a cap is almost reached, can sign in for an ‘notify-me service’.

  • Under the Subscribe to Open (S20) model the publisher will transfer journals with enough financial support to open access.
  • Open access publishing in the S2O journals from the publisher is cost free, also for authors from institutions that do not participate in this agreement.
  • See for an overview of the S2O journals the website of Annual Reviews or make use of the Open Access Journal Browser.
  • Subscribe to Open (S2O) is a model for publishers to convert subscription journals to open access in which subscribers who hold on to their subscriptions support this transition. See for more information the website of Annual Reviews on the model.

For more information, see the publishers' website.

  • Use your EUR email address during submission and do this preferably from the institutional network.
  • Make clear that you are affiliated with Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • The article will be published Open Access after acceptance without any costs.
  • Another possibility is to contact Brill directly at and request to make a publication Open Access.

Instructions workflow Brill 

  • Corresponding authors must use their EUR email address during submission.
  • After an article has been accepted, the corresponding author may indicate under which affiliation they submitted the article; CUP will know that the author is entitled to remission.
  • Click the Apply Discount button to confirm open access publication.

Instructions workflow Cambridge University Press

Please note that there is a cap on the number of articles that can be published open access under this agreement each year.

  • Corresponding authors must use their EUR email address during submission.
  • Indicate in the publication stage (author journey) of your article that your research was conducted at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • Indicate that you opt for a CC-BY license.
  • See the workflow documentation for further explanation.
  • Then choose the Gold Open Access option.

Instructions workflow Elsevier

  • Corresponding authors must use their EUR email address during submission.
  • Upon submission corresponding authors are required to indicate that they want to make their article Open Access via a mandatory yes/no question.
  • Eligible authors are identified by their institutional email address or ORCID.

Instructions workflow Emerald

Please note that there is a cap on the number of articles that can be published open access under this agreement each year.

  • Use your EUR email address and institutional network during submission. Indicate your affiliation to the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • When articles are accepted for publishing, Open Access is the default option. Articles will be published as Open Access under a CC-BY-NC license.


  • To be sure that your Open Access request is not missed in the workflow of IOS Press, you are requested to send an email (preferably from your EUR email address) to:
  • Please state the article reference number of your submission, your affiliation to the university, and include 'NL Agreement' in the subject line of the email.

Instructions workflow IOS Press 

  • When submitting, please use your EUR email address, preferably from the institutional network.
  • Indicate wanting to publish Open Access when submitting.
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam will verify your affiliation.
  • Authors automatically give a CC-NC-ND 4.0. license.

  • On submission, use your institutional email address and select the correct institutional affiliation; LWW will use this information on acceptance of the publication to check eligibility for open access without any costs.
  • Your publication will be published open access with a CC BY license by LWW.

Instructions workflow Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Please note that there is a cap on the number of articles that can be published open access under this agreement each year.

  • Log on to Author Services of OUP.
  • Corresponding authors must use their EUR email address during submission.
  • After acceptance of the article the corresponding author chooses via OUP’s online licensing and payment system for an Open Access license.
  • By choosing for refer charges you make sure that the costs will be paid by the pre-payment account of the Dutch universities.
  • The university to which the corresponding author is affiliated has to approve this request.

Instructions workflow Oxford University Press

Please note that there is a cap on the number of articles that can be published open access under this agreement each year.

  • Sage will recognize the corresponding author as a researcher of a Dutch university, based on e-mail affiliation and selected institution. Authors should therefore use their EUR email address.
  • Select the appropriate Creative Commons license.
  • The 20% discount (VSNU agreement discount) for publication in SAGE's Pure Gold Access Journal will automatically be applied to the Author Processing Charge (APC) when the corresponding author is recognized as affiliated to a Dutch university.

Instructions workflow SAGE 

  • At article acceptance you will be asked to confirm your affiliation by selecting it in the Special Affiliation drop-down menu and agree to the Open Access copyright and license terms.
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam will verify your affiliation.

Instructions workflow Springer

Please note that there is a cap on the number of articles that can be published open access under this agreement each year.

  • Corresponding authors must use their EUR email address during submission.
  • After the publisher has accepted the paper, the corresponding author will be invited to publish their article Open Access.
  • Select the Creative Commons license of your choice.

Instructions workflow Taylor & Francis

Please note that there is a cap on the number of articles that can be published open access under this agreement each year.

  • Use your institutional email address or (up to date) ORCID to make your affiliation known when submitting an article. In this stage Thieme will determine eligibility for cost free open access.
  • Submitted articles that are part of the agreement will be published cost free open access with a CC BY license after acceptance.
  • An overview of the journal's manuscript submission websites can be found on the Thieme – Instruction for authors page.

More information on the Thieme's website.

  • Walter de Gruyter uses the CCC RightsLink platform.
  • Corresponding authors have to use their institutional email address during submission.
  • After choosing the Open Access option a notification will tell you that the APC is covered by your institution.
  • The article will be published Open Access with a CC-BY license after acceptance.

Instructions workflow Walter de Gruyter

Please note that there is a cap on the number of articles that can be published open access under this agreement each year.

  • Once your article is accepted, register or log-in to Wiley Author Services. On your Author Dashboard in Author Services, click ‘Order Online Open’. If your request is approved, you will receive a confirmation mail.
  • Use your EUR email address at any time when corresponding with Wiley and during the submission process. Wiley uses this address to detect if you are eligible for this deal.
  • During the submission process you will receive the necessary information to make the publication available in Open Access without additional costs.

Instructions workflow Wiley

More information

For more information contact the Open Access and Publication Support Team via:

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