Access to the online collection

Erasmus University provides staff and students with access to e-journals, e-books, online articles and other resources for which the University Library has a license. The online collection can be accessed easily through the Library website.    

On campus 

When on campus, access is mostly automatic based on IP address recognition*. It is not necessary to log in with your ERNA account.   

* Some browsers may hide your IP address for privacy reasons. If that is the case, the same applies to you as if you were off campus. 

Tip: The tools mentioned below under 'Tools' are also useful for when you are on campus.  

Off campus 

When off-campus, the collection can be accessed in several ways:  

Via the Library website 

Searching for (scholarly) information can be done through sEURch, the Databases A-Z or the Guides per disciplineThe Library recommends searching via the Library website
When you start a search through the Library website, you will always have to log in with your ERNA-account when prompted. There are no special settings or programs required.

Via Google Scholar  

Searching for scholarly information via Google Scholar? Set up your Library links in Google Scholar to indicate that you are affiliated with the EUR. From now on a FULL TEXT @ EUR link will appear next to a publication to indicate when you have access. 

Set up Library links in your Google Scholar settings to check if EUR has access to e-journals, e-books or online articles found through Google Scholar.

  • go to Google Scholar;
  • click the menu button at the top left of the screen (three horizontal lines).
    If Scholar displays in Dutch, click the link Google Scholar in English (under the search box);
  • click Settings (or, if working on a small screen, the gear wheel icon), then Library links;
  • type "Erasmus University Rotterdam" into the search box and click the search icon;
  • check the box Erasmus University Rotterdam - FULL-TEXT @ EUR and click Save.

From now on it is indicated to which publications you have access by the FULL TEXT @ EUR link next to a title. Use this link to access a publication. Login with your ERNA-account when prompted and access the publication. 

The video Get the most out of Google Scholar (2:25 min) shows you how to configure your Google Scholar settings to show FULL TEXT @ EUR links.

Web search

Searching the web for scholarly information? Then you may encounter a login screen or a paywall. Use the tools below to avoid these situations. 


Add this extension to your browser to simplify the process of accessing publications for which the Library has a license or subscription. 

The Lean Library browser extension can be easily downloaded at: 

  • download and install the extension;
  • the extension appears as a small gray button in the upper right corner;
  • select Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) at Select your library
  • leave unchecked Automate my authentication and skip associated pop-ups.

If you visit a website licensed by the EUR, the pop-up appears and the small gray button turns green. Click the Library Access button in the pop-up and log in with your ERNA-account when prompted. You may also see a pop-up with an Get Article button or an ebook available notification. The EUR has access to the article or the e-book but via a website other than the website you are currently visiting. Click the button or notification to be forwarded and gain access.

The EUR offers VPN to provide secure internet access: eduVPN for all EUR students and employees and FortiClient for employees with a @wEURk laptop. When using VPN, you get an IP address from the EUR which means you are simulating on-campus. This can be very useful when accessing the online collection. 

Please note that with the upgrade of @wEURk to Windows 11, FortiClient will be dropped. In that case, use EduVPN.

Also connect via VPN if you are using a reference manager like RefWorks. This is necessary to send references from sEURch and the databases to RefWorks in the right way.

With eduVPN you create a secure connection between your computer, laptop or mobile phone and the EUR network. All your data traffic is sent via an encrypted and secure connection. Your internet traffic is therefore secured and anonymized.

How to install and use eduVPN is explained on MyEUR-student and MyEUR-employee.

FortiClient is the VPN connection which EUR employees with an @wEURK laptop use when working remotely. 

FortiClient is only enabled for EUR systems and websites. If you additionally want access to sEURch and the Library's databases, opt for the All Traffic profile when connecting to FortiClient. Read the Manual FortiClient – ​​All Traffic profile how to do this.

Using single sign-on (SSO), you can use your own ERNA-account or Erasmus MC-account to log in directly to various (larger) databases and publisher websites for which the Library has a license or subscription. Select Institutional Login or a variation on this.       

If you wish SSO allows you to remain anonymous in most cases. To be certain pay attention to the options you choose during your first login attempt at the publisher. An overview of websites that allow for SSO can be found below under 'Additional information'. Here you will also find instructions for each database or website on how to deal with privacy.  

With BrowZine you have quick access on any device to all online scientific journals and articles from our Library and Open Access articles. This helps you to stay up-to-date on everything happening within your field. You can also set up a notification, so you never miss an interesting or inspiring article. Continue reading

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that displays a PDF download button on websites such as Scopus, PubMed, Wikipedia and publisher pages when it detects the possibility of full access based on our online collection.   

  • go to the Download LibKey Nomad website; 
  • click the button of your preferred browser and follow the instructions to add the extension; 
  • select Erasmus University Rotterdam & Erasmus MC as your organization. 

The GetFTR browser extension (Get Full Text Research) shows a View PDF button on websites and databases like Google Scholar, PubMed and Web of Science next to articles and book chapters the EUR has access to via subscriptions or because the content is available in Open Access. 

GetFTR uses information from publishers. Not all publishers have partnered with GetFTR, see the GetFTR website for a list of the participating publishers. Thus, GetFTR has no complete coverage. Publications available via platforms such as EBSCO, ProQuest or OVID will also not be findable with this extension.   

  • go to the GetFTR website;  
  • click the link of your preferred browser and follow the instructions to add the extension; 
  • add Erasmus University Rotterdam as your institution
  • under Discovery Websites, select where you want to see the GetFTR button, for example: Google Scholar, PubMed, DuckDuckGo and Web of Science.


The Library is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. If you want to know more about how we process your personal data, please read our privacy statement

Terms and Conditions

Please be aware that access to, and use of, the online collection is subject to terms and conditions of use. For more information, please read our policy at Electronic resources: terms and conditions of use.

Additional information

Off-campus access to the online collection: PDF document with search examples, known issues, a database list with explanation of SSO, access to WRDS and explanation of EduVPN, EZproxy and SSO. 

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