
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • (Job) DJ Hudig, MSc
    My research interests are purpose, wellbeing, psychological interventions, and higher education. In particular, my research focuses on how students can be…
  • dr. (Wouter) WAH Spekkink
    **Wouter Spekkink is an Assistant Professor within the Department of Public Administration and Sociology since September 1st, 2019.** Wouter's research focuses…
  • (Daphne) DL van Helden, MSc
    Daphne van Helden is an Assistant Professor at the department of Public Administration and Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. My…
  • ‘Sustainable gardening is important, especially in a big city’
    Bob ter Haar (25) has a BA in international business as well as a BA in philosophy. With these two degrees in his pocket he started Edible EUR, aimed at making…
  • Anouk Griffioen
    Erasmus University Rotterdam has purchased some works from Anouk Griffioen. Her work was shown during the exhibition 'Natur' in 2018 in the Erasmus Gallery. She…
  • (Joëlle) JJS van der Meer
    Joëlle van der Meer is an Assistant Professor at the department of Public Administration and Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. She…
  • (Zouhair) Z Hammana, MSc
    Zouhair Hammana (1990) is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication and Culture. Under the supervision of prof. dr. Susanne…
  • Useful links Studying with a functional impairment
    Here are some links to pages that you’ll find useful if you have an impairment and are about to start a study programme at the EUR or are already studying.
  • prof.dr. (Arwin) MW van Buuren
    **Arwin van Buuren is Full Professor of Public Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam.** Arwin (1980) is the Director of the Department of Public…

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