
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • dr. (Koen) K Migchelbrink
    Koen Migchelbrink is assistant professor Public Management at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology, Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural…
  • prof.dr. (Sabine) SE Severiens
    Sabine Severiens is full professor of Educational Sciences at the Department of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences of Erasmus University Rotterdam. The main…
  • prof.dr. (Bregje) BF van Eekelen
    Bregje van Eekelen (Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz) is Senior Researcher History of Social and Human Sciences at the Erasmus School of History,…
  • prof.dr. (Lasse) LM Gerrits
    Dr. Lasse Gerrits is an associate professor at the Department of Public Administration and member of the research group Governance of Complex Systems. He worked…
  • prof.dr. (Willem) W de Koster
    As a cultural sociologist, I aim to rigorously scrutinize how social groups give meaning to social issues, how this informs their actions and how it shapes…
  • dr. (Samira) SRJM van Bohemen
    Samira van Bohemen is an associate professor at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences and a cultural sociologist with a research focus on…
  • dr. (Joost) J Oude Groeniger
  • (Thijs) MJ Lindner, MSc
    I am a cultural sociologist studying citizens’ meanings attributed to salient social issues and analyzing their particular responses to these. I analyze…
  • dr. (Rob) R Kickert
    Rob Kickert is a PhD candidate at the Department of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences of Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is investigating…
  • dr. (Marike) MG Polak
    Dr Marike Polak is affiliated as an associate professor to the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies (DPECS) as a member of the Methods &…

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