
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • (Daphne) DL van Helden, MSc
    Daphne van Helden is an Assistant Professor at the department of Public Administration and Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. My…
  • prof.dr. (Han) HB Entzinger
    **Han Entzinger is Professor Emeritus of Migration and Integration Studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Before that, he was Professor at Utrecht…
  • dr. (Irena) I Boskovic
  • (Zouhair) Z Hammana, MSc
    Zouhair Hammana (1990) is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication and Culture. Under the supervision of prof. dr. Susanne…
  • dr. (Freddy) FM van der Veen
    Freddy van der Veen examines performance monitoring in the healthy population and in different psychiatric populations. He uses different techniques to analyze…
  • dr. (Marjan) MJ Gorgievski
    Marjan Gorgievski-Duijvesteijn is Associate Professor at the Department of Work and Organizational Psychology at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. With a…
  • dr. (José) MJ Nederhand
    José Nederhand is Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research focuses on the…
  • prof.dr. (Menno) HJM Fenger
    Menno Fenger is an Endowed Professor of Public Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He studied Public Administration and Organizational Sciences…
  • dr. (Marilisa) M Boffo
    Marilisa Boffo is associate professor in clinical psychology and digital behavioral health at the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences of the Erasmus…
  • (Bharti) BD Girjasing, MSc

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