
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


You are now searching in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

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  • ECTS Grading table
    The grading table provides insight into the value of a student's grades and enables (international) comparisons between diplomas. Educational institutions,
  • Route and directions Woudestein campus
    Route and directions Woudestein campus Woudestein Campus is situated at the
  • Immigration costs
    If you are planning to immigrate to the Netherlands you need to take some financial matters into account.
  • News about Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access
    News about Diversity & Inclusion
  • Guest Wifi for EUR campus visitors
    Not an EUR employee or student and still need Wifi? Visitors can temporarily access the Eduroam Wifi network via guest Wifi.
  • Events and awards
    To stimulate diversity and inclusion at our university and to keep dialogue alive, IDEA Center organises and promotes events and awards.
  • Workshops
    The student psychologists, counsellors and careers advisors offer a wide range of workshops. An overview.
  • Getting around in Rotterdam
    Rotterdam can be reached in many ways and has an extensive network of public transportation.
  • Contact information International Office
    If you have any questions regarding admissions, exchange, immigration or other international related issues, please contact us.
  • Safety
    In general, the Netherlands is considered to be a safe country.

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