What are we researching?
We focus on politics and governance in the European Union and in the international system. How do governments and international organizations, including the EU, respond to international issues amidst increasing contestation and politicization in areas such as European economic governance, immigration, development aid or international security?
Why are we doing this research?
Our work addresses the most pressing current issues of international and European governance – often the themes you hear about on the evening news or in the parliamentary debates.
Our research is innovative by systematically and rigorously linking societal developments, such as Euro-scepticism, populism, increasing polarization, conspiracy thinking, collective mobilisation and political processes on the European Union level and the international level.
How are we doing this research?
We use advanced quantitative and case study methods and often generate new data.
How does our research make an impact?
Our research is presented at leading international conferences and published in highly cited journals and other outlets. Next to the academic impact, we also hold societal impact close to our heart. We regularly contribute to the public debate for instance through opinion articles and blogs, in Dutch and international outlets such as Sociale Vraagstukken, Stuk Rood Vlees, EUROPP (LSE) or the Monkey Cage (Washington Post). We are invited to share our insights with policy-makers and legislators in expert groups and invited testimonies, for example in the Tweede Kamer. We also share our knowledge with policy specialists for instance through providing executive and post-initial courses; for instance, in the framework of the program on civil-military cooperation for NATO or for the Democracy International Network.