Master in Public Administration
Graduates of this master track will be suitable candidates for positions in:
- governmental organisations (policy-makers, policy advisors, lobbyists) and;
- organisations in civil society (e.g. unions, political parties, research institutes) on the local, national or international level.
For example our graduates currently work as integration advisors at local governments or as project assistants at IOM.
During this master track you will:
- Develop a multidisciplinary understanding of migration and diversity from various perspectives, including history, development studies, sociology, public administration and urbanism;
- Acquire a methodological understanding in order to study migration and diversity;
- Learn to better understand the governance implications of migration and diversity at the local (urban), regional, national as well as European and international level;
- Obtain professional skills in terms of designing strategies for the management of migration and diversity at the policy level.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to study and learn at the finest institutions.

For me, the GMD Programme has been an interesting journey that has enriched my knowledge and changed my perspective on migration.

This opportunity to look at an area of study from a multidisciplinary approach was one of the main features I noticed when I applied for the Master's degree.

Pursuing an academic career?
If you want to proceed with advanced, research-oriented education in the field of public administration you can apply for our Research Master in Public Administration and Organisational Science. Conducting research is the central element of this programme. You will receive valuable training which prepares you to apply for a PhD position.