Dr. Maria Schiller
Maria Schiller is an Assistant Professor of Public policy, Migration and Diversity at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Before joining EUR in 2019, she was a Senior Research Fellow at the MPI for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen, a Substitute Assistant Professor at the University of Tübingen, a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Kent and a Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellow at the University of Vienna. She holds a PhD in Migration Studies from the University of Kent.
Maria is the Managing Coordinator of the Master Governance of Migration and Diversity and the Coordinator of the Public Administration track.
She teaches joint and track-specific courses in the Master and supervises MA theses on a broad range of topics. In the academic year 2021-2022 she will be involved in teaching the courses Politics of Migration and Diversity, Comparative Public Policy, and supervise MA theses.
In her research, Maria has done extensive work on local policy making and policy implementation on migration-related diversity in the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, Germany and France. She has investigated the ideas underlying local diversity policies, the profiles of officials in immigrant affairs offices, and the practices of implementing diversity policies in municipal organizations. Furthermore, Maria has been part of large comparative studies, examining networks of local actors involved in the local governance of diversity and dynamics of cooperation and conflict, as well as the role of national and regional state frames and policies for local immigrant policy making.
Currently, she is involved in several research projects, including the Horizon 2020 project “Whole-COMM”. She is Theme leader on “Inclusive cities and diversity” in the EUR Vital Cities and Citizens initiative and Chair of the IMISCOE Standing Committee “Migration Politics and Governance”.

Dr. Asya Pisarevskaya
Dr. Asya Pisarevskaya is a postdoctoral researcher in the group 'Dynamics of Migration and Diversity Policies’ lead by Prof. dr. Peter Scholten. She holds a PhD in Sociology and Methodology of Social Science, obtained in 2018 from the University of Milan. In her PhD dissertation she did a comparative analysis of policies relevant for labour market integration of refuges in seven European countries in the period 1990-2008.
Her current research is focused on urban migration-related diversity, labour market integration of refugees and the histories of paradigmatic and thematic developments of the field migration studies.
She is specialised in quantitative methods, survey design and bibliometrics, and applies Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and the related set-methods to the study of policies.
In the Master Programme Governance of Migration and Diversity she is a lecturer and a coordinator of the course 'Governance of Migration and Diversity'. Within the IMISCOE network she is involved in a Standing Committee 'Reflexivities in migration studies' as a member of the board, as well as she is responsible for establishing connections between academia, policy-makers and practice as part of the IMISCOE External Affairs Committee.

Dr. Laura Ripoll Gonzalez
Laura is an Assistant Professor in Governance at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) since 2022. She joined EUR as a Marie Skłodowska Curie Research Fellow in 2020 and continues to combine her EU-funded BRANDSUS project with teaching in the GMD and IPM Public Administration master’s tracks. Laura is also a Research Fellow at the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research and a Research Associate at the Politics & International Relations Department at the University of Tasmania, Australia, where she obtained her PhD.
Laura has academic research and expertise on Public Administration, Sociology and Communications. Her current research looks at complex decision-making in regional governance networks and inclusive city narratives in the context of smart and just transitions.
Over the last 7 years Laura’s research has also focused on observing branding as a governance tool to appeal to actors’ emotions in policy processes, particularly to bind actors together to collaborate on complex decision making in networks.
In the master’s programme Governance of Migration and Diversity, Laura is a lecturer and coordinator of the course ‘Media and Governance’. This course explores the media as a separate institution, its influence on policy processes and the requirements it poses on public managers. But it also connects the mediatisation literature to the broad governance literature. Thus, students learn about managerial strategies that public managers can use to influence media attention, like (political) public relations and public branding.

Prof. dr. Jorrit Rijpma
Jorrit Rijpma is professor of European Law, specialisation Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, at the Europa Institute of Leiden Law School. He holds a Jean Monnet Chair on Security and Mobility in Europe (MOSE).
Rijpma’s research focusses on cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs in Europe, the so-called Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.
He looks in particular at the link between security and mobility and the institutional and technological developments in this field.
He is also one of the Directors of the Faculty’s profile area on Interaction between Legal Systems (ILS), responsible for a research project on Maritime Security. Rijpma is a member of the Academic Executive Board of the LDE Centre Governance of Migration and Diversity (GMD), established within the framework of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus (LDE) cooperation.
Within the Master Programme Governance of Migration and Diversity, Jorrit Rijpma is a lecturer and a coordinator of the course ‘Legal Perspectives on the Governance of Migration and Diversity’. By introducing students to global migration law, international and European human rights law, they gain knowledge of the most important legal principles and structures in the context of the governance of migration and diversity and learn how to apply them to concrete governance dilemmas.

Dr. Mark van Ostaijen
Mark van Ostaijen is as Assistant Professor affiliated to the Department of Public Administration and Sociology (DPAS/ ESSB) at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He works as Managing Director of the LDE Centre Governance of Migration and Diversity.
His current teaching is related to the GMD Master, where he is a lecturer of the course ‘Politics of Migration and Diversity’, and to the program of the European University of Post-Industrial Cities (UNIC) (see: www.unic.eu).
In his research he is interested in social-political issues of inequality, articulated in domains of (class) migration, populism, mobility, urban development and gender.

Prof. dr. Peter Scholten
Peter Scholten is full professor of Migration and Diversity Policy at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology. His research focuses on amongst others on the governance of migration and migration-related diversity, multi-level governance, comparative public policy, and the relationship between science and politics in the field of migration. Peter is director of IMISCOE, Europe’s largest academic research network on migration, integration and social cohesion.
As of January 2020, Peter is also scientific coordinator of the LDE Research Center on the Governance of Migration and Diversity (a collaboration a cooperation of Leiden University, Delft University, and Erasmus University Rotterdam).
Furthermore, he is editor-in-chief of the journal Comparative Migration Studies (CMS) and associated editor of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. As of 2020, Peter Scholten is alliance coordinator of the European University of Post-Industrial Cities (UNIC). Also, he is external collaborator at the Migration Policy Centre in EUI Florence.
At the Erasmus University, Peter Scholten teaches a number of courses for students from the Masters Public Policy & Politics (Beleid & Politiek), International Management and Public Policy (IMP), and for the bachelor programme Public Administration. He also supervises master students for the Research Master Public Administration. Peter Scholten is one of the co-founders and director of the MSc programme Governance of Migration and Diversity where he is also a lecturer in the course ‘Politics of Migration and Diversity’.