
International and European Union Law
Testimonials achtergrond


  • Ingrid-Ioana Murariu

    Ingrid-Ioana Murariu - LL.M. Student International and European Union Law 2020-2021

    From case-studies, assignments, mind-maps, moot-court simulations to presentations, exams, blogposts and theses, there is not one area or way of accumulating knowledge and skills that we have not explored during this programme.
    Ingrid-Ioana Murariu
    From case-studies, assignments, mind-maps, moot-court simulations to presentations, exams, blogposts and theses, there is not one area or way of accumulating knowledge and skills that we have not explored during this programme.

    My name is Ingrid-Ioana Murariu and I am a 23-year-old Romanian. After living in Bucharest, Romania for 16 years and 3 more in Stavanger, Norway, I decided that I wanted to live and study somewhere that would remind me of both. So, after visiting Rotterdam for a few days, I had no doubt that this city will be my next home. Once I finished my Bachelor studies in Psychology and International Law at Erasmus University College, not only was I not ready to leave this beautiful city, but I was certain that pursuing an LL.M. degree is the best next step towards my foreseen legal career.

    Given that there are so many opportunities when it comes to an LL.M. programme, one may wonder why choose International and European Union Law. Well, as an international residing in a European Member State, I wanted to study both (actually, I did not know which one of the two to choose). So, when I saw that Erasmus University Rotterdam can give me both, I did not even look further. The way the courses were organized and the fact that you have two months delving into the realm of both International and European Union Law, to then decide which of the two shall be your specialization seemed like a perfect fit for me.

    When classes first started, it was quite overwhelming due to the COVID-19 health crisis and the measures imposed that led to the entire programme to be followed online. Not being able to attend live lectures and meet your professors and classmates was challenging and frustrating. However, the professors have done their utmost best so that we get to work together, have class discussions and overall, not feel like we have lost something by not being able to attend in-person. Every class was something new and interesting and we had many opportunities to get to know our future professors and theses supervisors both during guest lectures and organized meeting sessions. Having graduated from the programme, I can confidently say that I have learned more than I would have ever expected to. From case-studies, assignments, mind-maps, moot-court simulations to presentations, exams, blogposts and theses, there is not one area or way of accumulating knowledge and skills that we have not explored during this programme. Nonetheless, commitment and ability to follow deadlines are crucial assets to succeed, which became obvious as soon as we started our first week.

    Ultimately, I am grateful for this experience, our professors and my classmates for making this LL.M. programme as exciting and educative as it was. If one does not know which track (and corresponding branches) is the best fit for them, this programme is the perfect place to find that out. Furthermore, if there is one piece of advice that I could give it is: “Unity is strength!”. Finding my people in this programme and pushing, supporting and helping each other was the best decision I have made (and honestly, I could not have done it without them).

    Ingrid-Ioana Murariu
  • Jesse Schevel

    Jesse Schevel - LL.M. Student International and European Union Law 2020-2021

    The programme is very interdisciplinary and gives you a great deal of freedom to shape the LL.M. to your own interest.
    Jesse Schevel
    The programme is very interdisciplinary and gives you a great deal of freedom to shape the LL.M. to your own interest.

    If someone would have told me two years ago that I would write a testimonial for Erasmus School of Law, I would have laughed. Why would I? I was an engineering student at Delft University of Technology, not a law student.

    However, after my exchange at Berlin University of Technology, I wanted to pursue my ‘newly discovered’ interest in international and European Union law in Rotterdam. It was especially that combination of international and European law that attracted me: these two legal orders are inherently interlinked and for a better understanding of global governance you need knowledge of both of them. Corresponding to Erasmus University’s identity, a wide range of electives on economic integration, human rights, and democracy is offered. This all makes the programme very interdisciplinary and gives you a great deal of freedom to shape the LL.M. to your own interest.

    In the first block, you will follow the Research & Writing Skills course. For me, as a non-law student, this was quite an intense module as it is basically a crash course in international and European law. Meanwhile, much attention is paid to developing your legal skills. Some students, like me, had doubts about this programme after taking this module: would this master’s remain so intense? I can only say, do not be put off by this block. This block might be challenging but assures you that you have the basis needed to successfully complete the rest of the programme. And for the first block itself? If you just complete the assignments, participate in classes, and read the literature, you definitely will make it through!

    For the remainder of the master’s, you can specialise in either EU or international law. Choosing does however not mean you will stop learn about the other track. Firstly, you will experience in the interactive joint courses in blocks 3 and 5 that the interaction between the two legal orders is never far away. Secondly, it is still possible to participate in courses from the other track. I myself, for instance, took two modules on European competition law and the EU’s economic and monetary union to learn more about international economic law as a whole.

    The best thing about this master’s is the people defining it. We often worked in small, multicultural, and interdisciplinary groups. Not only did I learn much from other students having various backgrounds, but we also became very close. Nothing is more important than being able to enjoy Rotterdam together after having studies together all day. The teachers are very open to discussion and have a strong connection with the legal practice, making the lectures interactive and applicable to current cases. Their personal guidance really motivated me to go for the extra mile.

    This master’s will give you a wealth of both theoretical and practical knowledge of international and EU law. After graduation, you are not only utmost prepared for the labour market, but you certainly have made new friendships for life as well.

    Jesse Schevel
  • Shila Kobakiwal

    Shila Kobakiwal - LL.M. Student International and European Union Law 2018-2019

    After following this track, I am more than convinced to being able to put my gained knowledge into practice as a future lawyer!
    Shila Kobakiwal
    After following this track, I am more than convinced to being able to put my gained knowledge into practice as a future lawyer!

    How democratic is ‘Brussels’? What can the international community do when multinational corporations are infringing environmental and human rights? (Why) do we need the European Union? What rights do refugees have? Do you want to develop a founded answer and opinion on this wide-range of questions? Then choosing the LL.M. in International and European Union law might be the right choice for you!

    During the first two blocks, you will get an insight in these – and a bunch of other – international and European Union law-related topics. Thereafter, it is time to specialise. Me myself, have chosen to specialise in European Union law and I am more than happy with my choice! Not only have I developed a strong knowledge on the technicalities and foundations of European Union law – such as the fundamental freedoms, the right of standing before the Court of Justice, and competition law – but now I also understand the (highly important) role of European Union law in national legal systems. The European Union law track is particularly academic, but with several guest lectures from practitioners – e.g. attorneys and judges – the academic and the practical world come together. After following this track, I am more than convinced to being able to put my gained knowledge into practice as a future lawyer!

    What also appealed to me, was that the LL.M. in International and European Union law is relatively small in terms of students, which really adds value both academically and socially. There is always room for discussion and debate between students and lecturers and, last but not least, it contributes to a strong bond between you and your fellow students. For example, in my year, we had a Christmas dinner together, regularly went for after-class drinks and we will have a summer farewell activity!

    Shila Kobakiwal
  • Debadatta Bose

    Debadatta Bose - LL.M. Student International and European Union Law 2018-2019

    Studying International and European Union Law in Rotterdam opened more doors than I could imagine.
    Debadatta Bose
    Studying International and European Union Law in Rotterdam opened more doors than I could imagine.

    Studying International Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam goes beyond either the Erasmus University or Rotterdam. As a city beside The Hague, “the legal capital of the world”, one gets the best of both worlds — the university’s academic prowess, and the opportunities that lie within and beyond the city, including lectures and events at the Asser Institute and The Hague Academy of International Law. I regularly made use of these opportunities and had an opportunity to speak to Prof. Martti Koskenniemi. By choosing to study International and European Union Law at Erasmus, it opened more doors than I could imagine.

    The curriculum of the International and European Union Law LL.M. Programme is bleeding-edge and you are exposed to all ongoing issues of International Law, including those topics and issues currently being debated or under negotiations. Combined with a foundation of European Law and the option to pursue a European Law track, it makes for a great academic-professional balance in this LL.M. programme. Some opt to combine both International Law and European Union Law elective courses.

    What also appealed to me was that we frequently had guest lectures from professors of other universities, including those from other disciplines as well. In short, we had as much a diverse set of lectures as we had a diverse set of students, who could expose us to different concepts, crucial to a critical understanding of the law.

    Lastly, the academic environment, comprising of both the teachers and the students, is conducive for intellectual stimulation as I feel constantly motivated to do better.

    Debadatta Bose
  • Xian Zhang

    Xian Zhang - Student LL.M. International and European Union Law

    Life is full of uncertainties; just enjoy it!
    Logo Erasmus School of Law
    Life is full of uncertainties; just enjoy it!

    I am from China, and I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Law there. While participating in the Jessup Moot Court Competition during my bachelor programme, I first discovered my passion for Public International Law. As a result, I made the decision to apply for the LL.M. programme in International and European Union Law in order to broaden my knowledge in that field.

    This LL.M. programme is unique in many respects. What I benefitted most from was the combination of International and European law. This enabled me to compare the two disciplines of law, and to think beyond the scope of international law in a wider sense. What I learned in the EU Law classes provided me with a different perspective, and inspired critical thinking whenever I considered specific aspects of international law and the research I was carrying out. Even when I was having doubts regarding the processes I was learning about, I gained many new insights into international law.

    The lecturers are extremely knowledgeable and passionate about their (…) fields, and they always try to inspire and encourage us in learning ‘how to think’ rather than ‘what to think’, and in moving away from rote learning.

    The course also gave us the opportunity to develop numerous friendships with people from all over the world. Our group was small, but very diverse, which allowed us to experience new cultures and perspectives. We now have connections spread around the world − a great incentive for travelling to new places and for job hunting across borders.

    In addition to being a law student, I am a keen amateur photographer who is obsessed with travelling. I like travelling alone to different places, without a particular purpose or a specific plan. What I love most is just picking somewhere I have never been before, and exploring that unknown land with my camera.

    To be honest, I am not sure where I will be next year, or even in the next 5 years (although I do have plans). But one thing I am certain about is that I will do something related to the field of International Environmental Law. This is the area I feel most passionate about, and it also the subject of my master thesis. A motto that I live by is this: ‘Life is full of uncertainties; just enjoy it!’

    Logo Erasmus School of Law
  • Anselm Grahl

    Anselm Grahl - LL.M. student International and European Union Law

    If you choose to come to Rotterdam, you will find all the culture, nightlife, and diversity you could hope for.
    Logo Erasmus School of Law
    If you choose to come to Rotterdam, you will find all the culture, nightlife, and diversity you could hope for.

    My name is Anselm T. Grahl, and I am a 24-year-old German citizen from Latvia. I completed a Bachelor of Laws in European Law at Maastricht University, while also starting to work in the field of sustainability in the higher education sector.

    After completing my LL.B., I wanted to continue on an international and particularly European law track. The LL.M. of International and European Union Law at ESL offered me a great opportunity to further pursue these multi-layered legal systems. For many of my study colleagues, this Masters offers a great opportunity to specialise in their starting or ongoing career as lawyers. I am, however, hoping that this programme will help take me into European or international governance within the next few years, thereby allowing me to connect my studies of Law with my work in the field of sustainability. The LL.M. programme has already made it possible for me to explore this connection. It not only deals with law in dry black-letter texts, but enables students and lecturers to consider critically the rationales and effects of international and European law and governance systems. And it does this while taking into account issues that include economic efficiency, development, environmental impact, and human rights. The amazing group of international students and lecturers from diverse backgrounds adds many layers and perspectives to these discussions. Remember this: ‘if you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room’.

    As a city, Rotterdam adds to this international spirit. Incredibly vibrant, cosmopolitan, and modern, it is one of the up-and-coming places to be in Europe. If you choose to come to Rotterdam, you will find all the culture, nightlife, and diversity you could hope for. Being largely newly built over the past several decades, the city also offers some of the best contemporary architecture in the world, along with many green spaces. It is – quite literally − a city designed for this and future decades.

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