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Erasmus Graduate School of Law
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In this overview, you can find all PhD defences of students from Erasmus Graduate School of Law. 

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PhD defences

P.D. AubrechtEx ante Contracts to Arbitrate Tort Claims, A Law and Economics Perspective.
11-01-2024, 10:30 | Promotores: Prof. L.T. Visscher and Prof. M.G. Faure
R.A.G. HeesakkersTowards social and ecological corporate governance. A theoretical analysis of the position of the board in Dutch corporate law.
08-03-2024, 10:30 | Promotores: Prof. M.A. Verbrugh and dr. H.C.K. Heilmann
J.J. Andela Food Prints on Core Crime Provisions: Conflict-driven starvation as a core crime violation. 
12-04-2024, 10:30 | Promotores: Prof. A. Arcuri, Prof. K.A.M. Henrard and dr. H. Cuyckens
G.J. Koops-Geuze The Experiences, Perceptions & Effects of Community Sanctions administered to Court Convincted Youth Justice System. 
25-04-2024, 10:30 | Promotores: Prof. F.M. Weerman dand dr. F. Geelhoed 
S.E. TriefusInternational Investment Law from Below: Taking local community rights seriously  
22-05-2024, 15:30 | Promotores: Prof. A. Arcuri and Prof. J.D. Timmerman 
L.M. WellsTransatlantic Regulatory Divergence in Pharmaceuticals: Exploring economic and cultural explanations 
30-05-2024, 13:00 | Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure, Prof. L.A. Franzoni and Prof. E. Kantorowicz-Reznichenko
F. LeucciLaw and Economics of Environmental Damage Assessment 
19-06-2024, 10:30 | Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure and Prof. L.A. Franzoni 
A. Zwanenburg Schijnconstructies in het sociaal recht 
19-06-2024, 15:30 | Promotores: Prof. J. Even and Prof. A. Houweling 
J.J. de VogelSustainable Mobility and Consumer Protection
28-06-2024, 13:00 | Promotores: Prof. H.N. Schelhaas and Prof. W. Verheyen 
P.L. HezerDe informatiepositie van investeerders in Nederlandse kapitaalvennootschappen
27-09-2024, 13:00 | Promotores: Prof. C.A. Schwarz and Prof. J.M. de Jongh
E. DemirRegulatory Governance of Personal Data 
20-11-2024 | Prof. E.F. Stamhuis and Prof. K. Heine 
M. Drymioti Beyond economic outcomes struggles: A critical crimonological study into the Greek debt crisis (2010-2019). 
21-11-2024 | Prof. R. van Swaaningen and Prof. R. Staring
J. WangReconsidering formulary apportionment in the Post-BEPS Era 
21-11-2024 | Prof. Q.W.J.C.H. Kok, Prof. M.F. de Wilde
K.P. Prifti Regulation of autonomous robots in healthcare 
28-11-2024 | Prof. K. Heine and Prof. E.F. Stamhuis

Y. ZhangResolving corporate bribery through deferred prosecution agreements: Lessons from the U.S, UK and France for China 
23-11-2023, 15:30 | Promotores: Prof. Y. Li and Prof. S. Oded 
H.J. de KloePositie van schuldeisers in insolventieprocedures
06-07-2023, 13:00 | Promotores: Prof. C.A. Schwarz and
Prof. H. Koster
M. Erol09-06-2023, 10:30
N.M. de Arriba SellierThe European System of Financial Supervision under the home state supervision principle.
14-06-2023, 10:30 | Promotores: Prof. F. Ambtenbrink and Prof. S.C.G. van den Bogaert
F. Ruitenbeek BartBut What About the Tortfeasor? An empirical legal study on the position of tortfeasors in personal injury cases
26-05-2023, 10:30 | Prof. S.D. Lindenbergh and Prof. H. Schelhaas
C. Riquelme RuzReconciling the Irreconcilable? Sovereign Debt Restructuring and the Principles of International Law. A Law and Economics Perspective.
09-03-2023, 13:00 | Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure and Prof. A. van Aaken
L. GoldhahnIncentives, Sustainability and Law: The role of executive pay regulation for corporate social responsibility.
10-02-2023, 10:30 | Promoters: Prof. Wolf-Georg Ringe and
Prof. Sharon Oded
Co-promotor: Dr. Alessandro Pomelli
K. PengRegulating FinTech: The perspectives of law, economics, and technology. 02-02-2023, 10:30 | Promotores: Prof. S. Oded and
Prof. M.G. Faure

C.N. FocacciFraming Active Labour Market Policy
04-02-2022 | Promotores: Prof. Faure, Prof. Santarelli, Dr. A.M.I.B. Vandenberghe and Dr. F. Fauri
F.P. PennesiEquivalence in the Area of Financial Services: A Legal & Policy Analysis.
10-03-2022, 15:30 | Promotores: Prof. F. Amtenbrink and Prof. J. de Haan
M. Tydeman-YousefOp zoek naar de heilige graal: Een juridisch en fiscaal onderzoek naar de goeddoelcategorie religie, spiritualiteit en levensbeschouwing.
14-04-2022, 15:30 | Promotores: Prof. S.J.C. Hemels and Dr. D. Molenaar
M.E. BlesgraafRegeldruk in het onderwijs: Een literatuuronderzoek naar het concept regeldruk en de aanpak ervan in het Nederlandse primair, voortgezet en middelbaar beroepsonderwijs.
13-05-2022, 13:00 | Promotores: Prof. P.W.A. Huisman and Prof. M.T.A.B. Laemers
J.K. EssinkThe Allocation of Asylum Responsibilities in the EU: a Law & Economics analysis.
19-05-2022, 10.30 | Promotores: Prof. M.G. FaureProf. Kantorowicz-Reznichenko and Prof. Vanin
E.R. MuhammadTransitional Justice as a Post-Revolution Constitutional Arrangement: A Law and Economics approach.
20-05-2022, 10:30 | Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure and Prof. S. Voigt
Y. JiRecognition of Foreign Judgments.
07-07-2022, 10:30 | Promotores: Prof. Smeele
J.A. TersteggeBeperking van de bestuursbevoegdheid bij de naamloze en besloten vennootschap.
09-09-2022, 10:30 | Promotores: Prof. B.F. Assink and Prof. L. Timmerman
S. ChenTowards a Neutral Formulary Apportionment System in the Regional Integration: The Case of European Union.
15-09-2022, 15:30 | Promotores: Prof. M.F. de Wilde, LLM and Prof. Q.W.J.C.H. Kok
G. AntonopoulouForum Selling and Forum Marketing in International Commercial Disputes: The Case of International Commercial Courts.
23-09-2022, 13:00 | Promotores: Prof. X.E. Kramer and Prof. E. Bauw
P.P. PenasthikaUnravelling Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Indonesia as an Illustrative Case Study.
29-09-2022, 10.30 | Promotores: Prof. X.E. Kramer and Prof. W. Werner
M.M. HelmichUsing Law to Depoliticize Adjudication? A Skeptical Thesis.
30-09-2022, 10:30 | Promotores: Prof. W. van der Burg and Mr. L.M. Poort
A.M.M.A. FoudaMulti-Principal Agency and the Compliance with Professional Guidelines in Health Systems: Economic and Regulatory Perspectives.
20-10-2022, 10:30 | Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure and Prof. G. Fiorentini
L.C. van HultenTreaty application for companies in a group.
20-10-2022, 15:30 | Promotores: Prof. Kavelaars and Prof. de Wilde
M. KolaczSharing Economy in Logistics: Towards a legal framework for co-operation.
27-10-2022 | Promotores: Prof. X.E. Kramer, Prof. F.G.M. Smeele, Prof. W. Verheyen
H. DangSustainable development in international investment law: treaties and the arbitral practice.
09-11-2022, 10.30 | Promotores: Prof. M.W. Scheltema and Prof. Y. Li
Y. ChenThird-Party Funding in International Arbitration.
16-11-2022, 15.30 | Promotores: Prof. G.J. Meijer and dr. P. Wilinski
E.M. van GelderConsumer online dispute resolution in the EU.
18-11-2022 10:30 | Promotores: Prof. X.E. Kramer and Prof. Stefaan Voet
W. MaThe chance to reconstruct global investment system reform & China's foreign investment regime.
07-12-2022, 13:00 | Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure and Prof. Y. Li
S. PauliniThe precautionary principle in the new generation trade agreements of the EU.
16-12-2022, 10:30 | Promotores: Prof. A. Arcuri and Prof. R. Repasi

S.R. BakkerUitzonderlijke excepties in het strafrecht: Een zoektocht naar systematiek bij de beslissingen omtrent uitsluiting van strafrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid in bijzondere contexten.
09-12-2021 | Promotores: Prof. P.A.M. Mevis and Prof. C.P.M. Cleiren
B. SchoutenOpzet en bewuste roekeloosheid in het arbeidsrecht en het privaatrecht.
26-11-2021 | Promotores: Prof. C. Loonstra en Prof. R. Houweling
T.D. PeetersThe Unseen: Withdrawal and the social order of violence in Guatemala City.
19-11-2021 | Promotores: Prof. R. van Swaaningen and Prof. R.H.J.M. Staring
J. JiangCybersecurity, and the Role of Law and Regulation herein.
11-11-2021 | Promotores: Prof. N.J. Philipsen and Prof. E. Salzberger
Maria SaccoThe Role of Intermediaries in International Corporate Bribery.
05-11-2021 | Promotores: Prof. S. Oded and P. Vanin
C. HofmanHet systeem van sanctionering van fiscale fraude: Een onderzoek naar de voorzienbaarheid en onderlinge afstemming van sanctioneringsmogelijkheden.
08-07-2021 | Promotores: Prof. Mevis en Prof. de Bont
A.F.M. ElshourbagyArbitrator and Arbitral Institutions: Liability and Insurance.
24-06-2021 | Promotores: Prof. F.J.M. de Ly and Prof.mr. M.W. Scheltema
Philipp Kirst (External PhD)The Impact of the Damages Directive on the Enforcement of EU Competition Law - A Law and Economics Analysis.
04-06-2021 | Promotores: Prof. R. Van den Bergh and Prof. L. Visscher

Joé Rieff


National Identities and Common Policies – A case study of the European Union.
03-06-2021 | Promotores: Prof. R. Van den Bergh and Prof. K. Heine
G.F. WesselhoefftProject Finance Contracts: Strategic analyses for legal institutionalisation.
21-05-2021 | Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure and Prof. P.C. Leyens
S. StuijLura novit curia en buitenlands recht: Een rechtsvergelijkend en Europees perspectief.
29-04-2021 | Promotores: Prof.dr. F.J.M. De Ly en Prof.mr. G.J. Meijer

E. di Molfetta


Injustices under the shield of the law: An exploratory study of judicial practices towards foreign defendants in an Italian criminal court.
23-04-2021 | Promotores: Prof. R.H.J.M. Staring and Prof. R. van Swaaningen

M.L. Schippers


Douanewaarde in een globaliserende wereld.
01-04-2021 | Promotores: Prof. W. de Wit en Prof. M.M.W.D. Merkx

L. Postma


Misschien was het nog te vroeg: De regeling van de schriftelijke wilsverklaring euthanasie in artikel 2, tweede lid, Wtl vanuit een strafrechtelijk perspectief.
01-04-2021 | Promotores: Prof.mr. P.A.M. Mevis en Prof.dr. A. van der Heide

Elena Ghibellini


Bank Crisis Management and State Aid in the EU: A comparative Law and Economics analysis of bank resolution, precautionary recapitalisation and bank liquidation.
01-04-2021 | Promoteres: Prof. Marco Lamandini and Prof. Alessio Pacces
N. NooriPolicy Transplantation for Smart City Initiative.
19-03-2021 | Promotores: Prof. W.M. de Jong and Prof. E.F. Stamhuis

Maria Pena Madeira Gouveia de Campos


At the intersection of Behavioural Economics, Nudging and Regulation: Rethinking the process of nudge design for regulation.
26-02-2021 | Promotores: Prof. K. Heine and Dr F. Weber
Shu LiThe Quest for Product Safety in the Context of 3D Printing: A Law and Economics Analysis.
12-02-2021 | Promotores: Prof. K. Heine and Prof. M.G. Faure
R. MampuysThe Deadlock in European GM Crop Authorisations as a Wicked Problem by Design: A need for Repoliticisation of the Decision-making Process.
28-01-2021 | Promotores: Prof. W. van der Burg and Prof. F.W.A. Brom

Anran Zhang


Knocking on Arbitrators’ Doors: Legal standing of controlled entities in investment treaty arbitration.
08-01-2021 | Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure and Prof. Y. Li

Alberto QuintavallaWater: Conceptualisations, Regulatory Approaches and Scrutinising EU Water Law.
Titiaan KeijzerVote and Value: An Economic, Historical and Legal-Comparative Study of Dual Class Equity Structures.
Roderick ChalmersHoynck van Papendrecht, De Handelsnaamwet onder de loep. Een analyse van het wettelijk system en haar functioneren, een eeuw na de totstandkoming van de Handelsnaamwet.
Xiao XunDirectors’ Duties and Liabilities in China.
Denard VeshiRefugee Flow: A Law and Economics approach.
Marjolein SchaapInclusionary Governance for International Institutions: Ensuring Accountability towards Individuals.
Samuel Garcia NelenDe beursvennootschap, corporate governance en strategie. Over de machtsverhouding tussen het bestuur en de algemene vergadering van de beursvennootschap, in het bijzonder ten aanzien van strategische onderwerpen.
Susann HandkeThe UN Climate Regime’s Journey.
Renny Reyes ReyesBetter Regulation in Latin American Countries: A tool for accountability?
Qiqi FuA Comparative Study of Minority Shareholder Protection in China, the US and the Netherlands.
Edoardo MartinoBank Governance and the Bail-in in the EU: A Law & Finance analysis on the role of bail-inable creditors.
Du DuA Comparative Study of Laws concerning Foreign Takeover Bids: China and the Netherlands.
Dirk HeineChallenges and Solutions to Environmental Tax Reforms.
Maria Caporale MadiRegulating Vertical Agreements: A Comparative Law & Economics analysis of Brazil and Europe.
Teun van RuitenburgRaising Moral Barriers. An empirical study on the Dutch approach of outlaw motorcycle gangs.
Gregory BakhuisAutonomie, toezicht en interventie in de Caribische landen van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden.
Lisa van ReemstEmergency responders at risk: an empirical analysis of the relationship between emergency responders' characteristics and their exposure to aggression by citizens.
Jelle JaspersCooperation against the law. Criminological study of the social organisation of business cartels.
Gerard BaakMededinging en verzekeringsrecht.
Piotr WilinskiExcess of Powers in International Commercial Arbitration.

Petra GyöngyiJudicial Reforms in Hungary and Romania: The challenging implementation of EU rule-of-law requirements.
Diederik van den KooijToerekening van Schade.
Sohail WahediThe constitutional dynamics of religious manifestations. On abstraction from the religious dimension.
Jing HiahHaving a Chinese job’.  A study on interdependencies, vulnerabilities and opportunities within migrant businesses in Romania and the Netherlands.
Azad ZeemanDulden of meewerken? Een onderzoek naar de toepassing van het nemo tenetur-beginsel bij de sfeerovergang van controle naar opsporing.
Akiva WeissAllocation & Integration: Institutional solutions to the European Union's refugee crisis.
Yayun ShenGreen building in the US and China: a law and economics perspective.
Marnix HeblySchadevaststelling en tijd.
Steven PalmOpvolgend werkgeverschap.
Fatemeh KokabisaghiRight to Health; the Application of International Laws in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Eva EijkelenboomVertrouwen voorop.
Chih-Ching LanA Law and Economics Analysis of Policy Instruments to Prevent Deforestation and Forest Degradation in the Tropics.
Bryan KhanAn Economic Analysis of the Intellectual Property Rights of Broadcasting Organisations.
Gemelee HiranThe Persistence of Non-Tariff Measures in ASEAN.
Marit WijnenIntroduction of problem-based learning at the Erasmus School of Law: Influences on study processes and outcomes.
Stephen BillionRegulating retirement savings: An evolutionary psychology approach.
Mostafa El FarInternational Investment Law and Domestic Legislations in MENA: Egypt, Jordan and Morocco.
Ifrah JameelThe Impact of Capital Regulation on Bank Involvement in Securitized Banking.
Filippo RodaThe Economic Analysis of the One-way Fee-shifting Rule in Litigation.
Thomas RiesthuisThe Intertwinement of Legal Orders: A Critical Reconstruction of Theories of Jurisprudence.
Ilja TillemaEntrepreneurial Mass Litigation; Balancing the building blocks.
Marcel SnippeDe integratie van fiscale gegevens in het rijksbrede toezicht.
Thiago de Araujo FauvrelleAn Economic Analysis of Judicial Performance

Arnoud PijlsMisleidende beursberichten. Kwesties van causaal verband en schade.
Tite NiyibiziRemedies for Unlawful Detention in Rwanda.
Maximilliano MarzettiThe Law and Economics of the 'Domaine Public Payant' - A case study of the Argentinian system.
Ritchelle AlburoOwnership Choice, Contracts and Regulation: Forestalling ownership irrelevance - A Law and Economics perspective.
Cheng BianNational Security Review Regimes of Foreign Investment: A comparative study in China, the US and the EU.
Antoinette OudshoornGrensoverschrijdend bankbeslag op geldvorderingen (vanuit Nederlands perspectief).
Abedessemad BouabidAbedessemad Bouabid, De Marokkanenpaniek;  Een geïntegreerde morele paniekbenadering van het stigma ‘Marokkaan’ in Nederland.
MaradonaCorporate Criminal Liability in Indonesia: Regulation, Implementation and Comparison with the Netherlands.
Orlin YalnozovEssays on Precedent and Statute.
Xufeng JiaDo Home Country Institutions Matter in Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions? - The Case of China.
Bernold NieuwesteegThe Law and Economics of Cyber Security.
Richard SnoeijInternational Tax Aspects of Sovereign Wealth Investors: A Source State Perspective.
Emmanuel LokinDe bezoldiging van bestuurders van beursgenoteerde vennootschappen.
Erlis ThemeliThe Great Race of Courts, Civil Justice System Competition in the European Union.
Tom de LeeuwVerscheidenheid in veiligheid. Een internationaal vergelijkend veldonderzoek naar perspectieven op veiligheid en lokaal veiligheidsbeleid in Rotterdam en Antwerpen.
Eline GremmenDe kwetsbare psychisch gestoorde verdachte in het strafproces.
Goran DominioniAccuracy, Gender and Race in Tort Trials: A (behavioral) law and economics perspective.
Clarissa MeertsThe semi-autonomous world of corporate investigators: Modus vivendi, legality, control.
Yixin XuAn Institutional Design for Sustainable Foreign Forest Carbon Projects in Developing Countries.
Arien van 't HofThe Regulation of Household Debt Levels in the EU and Three of its Member States: Evaluating the Legal Preconditions for Effectiveness.
Randolf van LambalgenState aid to banks. An analysis of the Commission’s decisional practice
Shaheen NaseerThe Policy Choices of Bureaucrats: An institutional analysis.


Susan NiessenThe Legal Position of Terminal Operators in Hinterland Networks : Mixed contracts and third parties.
Renate BuijzePhilantropy for the Arts in the Era of Globalization, International Tax Barriers for Arts Organizations.
Stefan PhilipsenVrijheid van schoolstichting | The right to establish schools. A study into conflicting interests.
Giulia BarbenteThe relation between large-scale land acquisitions and rural households: evidence from Ethiopia and Tanzania.
Ahmed ArifDeciphering Securitisation and Covered Bonds Economic Analysis and Regulations.
Maarten BeukersOver de grenzen van de stoornis.
Etleva GjoncaEuropean Competition Policy and Financial Services: Rules and Empirical Insights.
Marco BaudinoUrbanisation and Growth: A Law and Economic analysis of migration patterns in the People's Republic of China.
Winand Aerjen WestenbroekBestuurdersaansprakelijkheid en ernstig verwijt in theorie.
Alina OntanuCross-Border Debt Recovery in the EU. A Comparative and Empirical Study on the Use of European Uniform Procedures.
Jolene LinGoverning Climate Change: Global Cities and Transnational Lawmaking.
Bo YuanForeign-Related Commercial Dispute Resolution in China: A focus on litigation and arbitration.
Jan Paul FranxProspectusaansprakelijkheid uit onrechtmatige daad en contract.
Frans OverkleeftDe positie van aandeelhouders in beursvennootschappen.
Leonardus WijsmanNemo tenetur in belastingzaken.
Miriam BuitenHarmonisation and the EU Internal Market: A Law and Economics Approach.
Christiaan StokkermansVermogensrechtelijke grondslagen en personenvennootschapsrecht.
Michael SevereinAlles is gedaan om het recht te vinden - Bijzondere rechtspleging in Leeuwarden 1944 - 1949.
Maximilian KerkA Law and Economics Analysis of Meta-Organisatoins.
Min LinLaw and Economics of Security Interests in Intellectual Property.
Thy PhamDirectors' Liability. A legal and empirical study.
Enmanuel Cedeno BreaThe Legal Structure of Commercial Banks and Financial Regulation - Does organizational form matter for the design of bank regulation? 
Joris GroenAcademische Vrijheid, een juridische verkenning.
Jolien KruitGeneral Average, Legal Basis and Applicable Law, the Overrated Significance of the York-Antwerp Rules.
Stephan MichelThe Process of Constitution-making: A Law and Economics analysis.

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