Our Researchers

Foto van studenten in Theil Building

Our researchers advance science and the scientific education of our students by having an intrinsically driven mindset across roles and disciplines, and by making effective connections and building national and international strategic networks with stakeholders.

Overview of our researchers

430 results

  • mr. V (Vivian) van der Kuil

    After working as a Maritime Lawyer in private practice and as a judge since 2009 I have embarked on the journey to obtain a PhD. I still work part-time as…
    mr. V (Vivian) van der Kuil
  • dr. ME (Malouke) Kuiper

    dr. ME (Malouke) Kuiper
  • mr.drs. RE (Randolf) van Lambalgen

    Title of research: Banks and State Aid Control: An Equal Treatment Perspective Promotor: Prof. H.M. Vletter-van Dort The European Commission has taken many…
    mr.drs. RE (Randolf) van Lambalgen

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