Current projects

Erasmus Graduate School of Law
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An overview of our PhD researchers and their research topics can be found on this page.

  • Emad Abdulrahman
    Revisiting Force Majeure: a Law and Economics analysis
    Promotores: Prof. L.T. Visscher & Prof. A. van Aaken
  • Amarilys Abreu Santana
    Contractual litigation and possible solutions to sovereign debt crises – the case study of Argentina
    Promotores: Prof. P. Mascini & Prof. L. Mola
  • Irem Akin
    Integration of Environmental Sustainability into Corporate Governance
    Promotores: Prof. M.A. Verbrugh and Prof. C.A. Schwarz
  • Yasir Amin
    Essays on Property rights
    Promotores: Prof. F. Weber & Prof. C. Guerriero
  • (Charles) Allen Bargfrede
    The Economics of Modern Music Law: a New Model
    Promotores: Prof. E. Kantorowicz-Reznichenko & Prof. L.T. Visscher
  • Lotte Bartels
    Promotores: Prof. M. van Tiggele- van der Velde & dr. W.C.T. Weterings
  • Renzo Bloemink
    Law and Economics of the Property Law System
    Promotores: Prof. L.T. Visscher & prof. M.G. Faure
  • Clara Boggini
    Evaluation of the current Cybersecurity framework
    Promotores: Prof. H.M. Vletter- van Dort & dr. S.C. van der Zee
  • Karel Boonzaaijer
    Het Nederlandse structuurregime in verleden, heden en toekomst
    Promotores: Prof. C.A. Schwarz & Prof. J.M. de Jongh
  • Lizzy Bos
    Duurzaamheidsverslaggeving en de rol van de accountant
    Prof. H.M. Vletter-van Dort & mr.drs. E.V.A. Eijkelenboom
  • Edwin Bosch
    Verlies van (betaald) arbeidsvermogen bij letselschade
    Promotor: Prof. S. Lindenbergh & Prof. H.N. Schelhaas
  • Rebecca Bosch
    De aansprakelijkheid van de hulpverlener bij voortplantingskwesties 
    Promotores: Prof. K. Jansen & Prof. K. Swinnen 
  • Yoni Bosschaart
    De rol van voorzienbaarheid bij de vestiging en omvang van buitencontractuele aansprakelijkheid
    Prof. S.D. Lindenbergh & Prof. H.N. Schelhaas
  • Alice Bouman – de Groot
    Economics of Mutuality for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Netherlands
    Prof. W.M. de Jong & Prof. J.M. de Jongh
  • Anne Brekoo
    The Consequences of Jurisdictional Pluralism in the Context of International Crime Promotores: Prof. E. Kantorowicz – Reznichenko & Prof. M.G. Faure
  • Philipp Anton (Tony) Burri  
    The Law and Economics of Third-Party Funding of Collective Redress
    Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure & Prof. K. Matis
  • Antonia Christopoulou
    From participation to legitimacy: The new role of civil society in defining public interest
    Promotores: Prof. X. Kramer & prof. L. Senden
  • Silvia Ciacchi
    Law and Economics of Sustainability Due Diligence

    Promotores: Prof. F. Weber & Prof. S. Oded

  • Tabea Krauss
    But for the Defendant’s Inaction? – Economic and Empirical Analyses of Corporate Supply Chain Liability
    Promotores: Prof. S. Oded & Prof. J. Klick
  • Adrian Cordina
    Funding and who Decides? Third Party Litigation funding in Europe
    Promotores: Prof. X.E. Kramer & Prof. L. Visscher
  • Lucas Alves Chacha
    Analysing Brazilian Anti-Corruption Enforcements
    Promotores: Prof. S. Oded & Prof. E. Kantorowicz-Reznichenko 
  • Pedro Henrique Christofaro Lopes
     Federalism and Crisis: A comparative study
    Promotores: Prof. F. Weber & Prof. S. Voigt
  • Esra Demir
    Data governance of genetic codes
    Promotores: Prof. K. Heine & Prof. E. Stamhuis
  • Giorgio Dini
    Environmental Footprint Disclosure: The enforcement mechanisms for truthful claims
    Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure & Dr. A. Tavoni
  • Tolga Er
    Essays on Democratic Backsliding
    Promotores: Prof. P. Desmet & Prof. S. Voigt
  • Candice Foot
    Creating a Smart Multilevel Regulatory Mix to Enable Sustainability and Human Rights in Business
    Promotores: prof. L. Enneking & prof. M. Scheltema
  • Mathijs Giltjes
    High frequency trading and market abuse
    Promotores: Prof. K.W.H. Broekhuizen & Dr A.C.W. Pijls
  • Melissa de Groot
    Compensation for costs of care: challenges at the interface of civil liability law and the public health care system
    Promotores: Prof. S. Lindenbergh & Prof. H.N. Schelhaas
  • Stijn Lucas Haanschoten
    De bescherming van de minderheidsaandeelhouder in een joint venture op grond van artikel 2:8 BW
    Promotor: Prof. C.A. Schwarz & Prof. L Timmerman
  • Erick Hagendoorn
    Vrije arbeidskeuze in het civiele recht
    Promotores: Prof. R. Houweling & Prof. C Loonstra
  • Nourhan Hassan
    Cultural Norms and Economic Behavior: Essays on Nudging with Proverbs
    Promotores: Prof. P. Desmet & Prof. S. Voigt
  • Adrianus van Heusden
    Taking Marketing Seriously: A Law and Economics analysis of consumer protection in the digital age
    Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure, Prof. F. Weber, Dr. A.M.I.B. Vandenberghe
  • Martin Holderied
    Interest Theories on the Regulation of Sharing Economy Markets
    Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure & Prof. E. Kantorowicz-Reznichenko
  • Paul van Hoynck van Papendrecht
    Fundamental rights and intangible damages 
    Promotores: Prof. K.J.O. Jansen & mr. Marnix Hebly 
  • Mrinmayi Katdare
    Precautionary Principle: How does political discretion influence its implementation?
    Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure & Prof. E. Kantorowicz-Reznichenko
  • Tristan Kik
    Competition Law in the Data Economy
    Promotores: Prof. N.J. Philipsen & Prof. L.T. Visscher
  • Dominic van Kleef
    Safeguarding Public Interests in Financial Markets: Towards a New Consumer Concept in European Financial Law
    Promotores: Prof. K. Broekhuizen & Prof. H. Vletter – van Dort
  • Melinee Kositwatanarek
    Conflict of laws in cross-border data protection claims
    Promotores: Prof. Klaus Heine & Prof. Koen Swinnen
  • Anna Kovács
    Behavioral determinants of collective action on climate change e
    Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure & Prof. E. Kantorowicz-Reznichenko
  • Julia Krämer
    App stores and the privacy paradox: the influence of private actors on the right to privacy
    Promotores: Prof. P. Desmet & Prof. K. Swinnen
  • Marlon Kruizinga 
    Empirical-Ethical Aspects of AI applications in Multi-Agency Public Safety issues 
    Promotores: Prof. H.A.E. Zwart & Prof. V.A.J. Frissen 
  • Iana Malamud 
    The law and economics of cyber security, to create a stronger public discourse regarding efficient cyber security investments. 
    Promotores: Prof. H.M. Vletter-van Dort & dr. S.C. van der Zee 
  • Iris Meijer
    The position of the defendant in criminal joinder proceedings
    Promotores: Prof. K. Swinnen & dr. Femke Ruitenbeek Bart 
  • Eugerta Muci
    Open Finance
    Promotores: Prof. Emanuel van Praag & Prof. Helene Vletter- van Dort
  • Evangelia Nissioti
    Can mediation in civil law systems lead to social and private efficiency gains compared to litigation and negotiation?
    Promotores: Prof. L.T. Visscher & Prof. R. Bork & Prof. E. Kantorowicz-Reznichenko
  • Olivier Oost 
    Vennootschaprecht en arbitrage 
    Promotores: Prof. B.F. Assink & Prof. G.J. Meijer 
  • Sarah van Os
    Diversity in Justice? – A comparative, Interdisciplinary and Empirical Study into Legal Culture
    Promotores: Supervisors: Prof. H.N. Schelhaas & Dr P. Desmet
  • Gabriele Paolini
    Plea Bargaining Procedures in the World: A Law and Economics perspective
    Promotores: Prof. E. Kantorowicz-Reznichenko & Prof. S. Voigt
  • Kostina Prifti
    Regulation of autonomous robots in healthcare
    Promotores: Prof. K. Heine & Prof. E. Stamhuis
  • Francine Ruitinga
    De beschermde franchisenemer en handelsagent versus de niet-wettelijk beschermde distributeur: over kwalificeren van type contracten en differentiëren tussen type contractanten
    Promotores: Prof. H.N. Schelhaas & Prof. K.J.O. Jansen
  • Maikel Samsom
    Privacy en aansprakelijkheidsrecht
    Promotor: Prof. S. Lindenbergh & Prof. H.N. Schelhaas
  • Eduardo Silva de Freitas
    Crowdfunding civil justice
    Promotores: Prof. X. Kramer & dr. E. Storskrubb
  • Amber Scheepers
    The effect of corporate board gender diversity on compliance with European competition law
    Promotores: Prof. S. Oded & Prof. E. Kantorowicz-Reznichenko
  • Simone Slootweg  
    The social insecurity of our social security system 
    Promotores: Prof. R. Houweling & dr. Elmira van Vliet 
  • Joost Stam
    De bestuurdersaansprakelijkheidsverzekering
    Promotor: N. van Tiggele - van der Velde & mr. Weterings
  • Barış Sevük
    Economic Analysis of Third-party Litigation Funding
    Promotores: Prof. L. Franzoni & Prof. N. Philipsen
  • Shashank Sharma
    Essays on Antitrust Analysis of Multi-sided Platforms
    Promotores: Prof. N.J. Philipsen & Prof. S. Oded
  • Aalt-Jan Smits 
    Governance in a Financial Sector in Transition 
    Promotores: Prof. H. Vletter-van Dort & dr. Annika Galle 
  • Shuping Song 
    Towards an Open, Efficient and Secure Data Trading Regime: A Comparative Legal analysis of China, the EU and the US 
    Promotores: Prof. Y. Li & Prof. K. Swinnen 
  • Youssoufa Sy
    Political Legislation Cycles in a Comparative Approach
    Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure & Prof. F. Padovano
  • Heleen Tiemersma
    The financial sector as a transformative force for positive change
    Promotor: Prof. M. Scheltema & Prof. R. van Tulder
  • Hilde Verweij-Hoogendijk
    Aansprakelijkheid en Verzekering in gezinsverband
    Promotores: Prof. S. Lindenbergh & Prof. M. van Tiggele-van der Velde
  • Michelle de Vries
    De rol en positie van de schade-expert naar Nederlands recht
    Promotores: Prof. M. van Tiggele-van der Velde & Prof. S. Lindenbergh
  • Yachao Wang
    Enforcement of Investor-State Arbitration Awards against States
    Promotores: Prof. M. Scheltema & prof. Y. Li
  • Nancy Wu
    Law and Economics of Predictive Legal AI Applications and Their Regulatory Framework
    Promotores: Prof. M. G. Faure & Prof. S. Voigt
  • Qihan Xu
    Is the Current Antitrust Law Able to Dealing With the Anti-Competitive Effects Created by Blockchain-Based Collusive Agreements?
    Promotores: Prof. Y. Li & Prof. N.J. Philipsen
  • Liu Yunhong 
    Realizing smart cities in developing countries – Applying insights from frugal innovation and lock-in theory
    Promotores: Prof. Martin de Jong & Prof. L. Reins & dr. J. Fransen 
  • Antonella Zarra
    The Law and Economics of Artificial Intelligence
    Promotores: Prof. S. Oded & Prof. W.G. Ringe
  • Karol Zdybel
    An Economic Analysis of Legal Pluralism
    Promotores: Prof. M.G. Faure & Prof. S. Voigt & Prof. F. Parisi
  • Erya Zhao 
    Investors’ Obligation to Address Climate Change in International Investment Law 
    Promotores: Prof. Y. Li & Prof. M. Scheltema 
  • Qingzhe Zhao 
    Competition concerns relating to generative Artificial Intelligence and potential regulatory proposals

    Promotores: Prof. F. Weber & Prof. N. Philipsen 

  • Vladimir Belev 
    In what ways and to what extent could the EU’s competences to legislate and enforce existing law be used to confront big tech’s 
    Promotores: Prof. F. Amtenbrink & dr. Monika Glavina 
  • Abdurrahman Erol
    Investor Obligations in Investment Treaty and Arbitration from a Business and Human Rights Perspective: Past, Present and Future
    Promotores: Prof. A. Arcuri & dr. F. Violi
  • Radwan Eshkita
    Data protection laws in Gulf Region (Qatar, Bahrain and United Arab Emirates) / Application of GDPR outside EU
    Promotores: Prof. E. Stamhuis & Prof.dr. K. Heine
  • Daniela Garcia-Caro Briceno
    Agribusiness and Sustainable Alternatives
    Promotores: Prof. A. Arcuri & dr. Y. Hendlin
  • Julie Hoppenbrouwers 
    Designing a Legal and Ethical Framework for the Resonsible Use of Artificial Intelligence in Legal Professions 
    Promotores: Prof. E. Stamhuis & dr. C. Zweistra 
  • Nanou van Iersel 
    AI and the disruption of traditional accountability arrangements 
    Promotores: Prof. E. Stamhuis & Prof. F. Dechesne 
  • Lianne van Kalken 
    Cultural norms and economic behavior: essays on nudging with proverbs 
    Promotores: Prof. E. Stamhuis & Prof. M. van der Steen 
  • Renee Knoop 
    A rights-based approach to regulate the negative environmental impact of artificial intelligence 
    Promotores: dr. Leonie Reins & dr. Alberto Quintavalla 
  • Aziza Mayar
    The role of International Law in meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals
    Prof. E. Hey & Prof. K.E.H. Maas
  • Eva Meijermans Spelman
    How can EU legislation address power imbalances in the fashion value chain in order to foster a genuine transition to a (just) green economy? 
    Promotores: Prof. R. Repasi & dr. M. Campo Comba & dr. I. Kampourakis
  • Hannah Mosmans 
    Balancing economics and law for alternative fuels 
    Promotors: Prof. F. Smeele & Prof. A. Veenstra
  • Lana Said 
    To what extent is the Dutch centralized research programming strategy in line with academic freedom as embedded in international human rights law? 
    Promotors: Prof. J. Temperman & Prof. A. Arcuri
  • Wouter Scherpenisse 
    Verantwoording in een (digitaal) netwerk 
    Promotores: Prof. E.F. Stamhuis & Prof. H.S. Taekema 
  • Masuma Shahid 
    Equal marriage rights under International law: how (supra)national courts approach the sensitive topic? 
    Promotores: Prof. J.D. Temperman & Prof. E. Hey 
  • Tegan Snyman 
    Religiously-motivated (hate) speech targeting LGBTIQ persons: causes, consequences and commitments in light of international human rights standards 
    Promotores: Prof. J. Temperman & Prof. W. van den Burg 
  • Fiona Unz 
    Consumer protection in a disruptive society 
    Promotores: dr. W. Verheyen & Prof. H.N. Schelhaas 
  • Stijn Voogt
    Bringing Bureaucracy Back. Contemporary Challenges to the Rule of Law & the (Neo) liberal State in Decline
    Promotores: Prof. Sanne Taekema & dr. Michal Stambulski
  • Warren de Waegh 
    Maritime insolvencies in Europe; Sinking in an ocean of debt 
    Promotores: Prof. F. Smeele & Prof. X. Kramer & Prof. R.D. Vriesendorp 
  • Elif Gül Yılmazlar
    Settling Conflicts of Human Rights through International and European (Council of Europe/ EU) Standards of Criminalization
    Promotores Prof. J. Temperman & Prof. E. Hey
  • Lester Chen
    The Concept of Toleration and its paradoxes
    Promotores: Prof. W. van der Burg & Dr M.C.M. Geuskens
  • Vivian van der Kuil
    Classification Societies and the Public Interest
    Promotores: Prof. F. Smeele & dr. F. Stevens
  • Erya Zhao
    Investor Obligation to Mitigate Climate Change in International Investment Law: Justification and Implementation
    Promotores: Prof. Y. Li & Prof. M.W. Scheltema

  • Inge Aarts 
    A study into the negative labelling of ‘risky youths’ by Dutch social intitutions 
    Promotores: dr. R. Roks & dr. G. Custers 
  • Cybele Atme 
    (Dis)connections: The Everyday Financial Practices of civil society in Lebanon 
    Promotores: Prof. R. Staring, Prof. C. van Wingerde & Prof. L. Bisschop 
  • Jeroen van den Broek
    Weg van de straat: een onderzoek naar de hedendaagse betekenis van offline en online straatcultuur onder Rotterdamse jongeren.
    Promotores: Prof. F. Weerman & Dr. R. Roks & dr. J.D.A. de Jong
  • Irma Cleven
    Enforcement experiences of criminal protection orders from a victim empowerment perspective
    Promotores: Prof. S. Struijk & dr. T. Fischer
  • Merel Driessen 
    How do ideological constructions of democracy influence the way Article 9 is understood and implemented and how does this affect the democratic relationship between state and citizen? 
    Promotores: Prof. M. Schuilenburg & dr. Fiore Geelhoed 
  • Marilena Drymioti
    Structural, Institutional, and anti-institutional violence. A case study on Greece.
    Promotores: Prof. R. van Swaaningen and Prof. R. Staring
  • Mai Fleetwood Bird 
    ‘Caught by language’, Oral language competence of young offenders and the implications for the Dutch Youth Justice System 
    Promotores: Prof. M. Buijsen & Prof. J. Uitbeyerse & Prof. P. Snow 
  • Charlotte Geertman 
    How can the governance processes arising from public-private partnerships related to cocaine trafficking and human smuggling in the Port of Rotterdam be strengthened? 
    Promotores: Prof. C.G. van Wingerde & Prof. L. Bisschop 
  • Daniël Grimmelikhuijzen
    Publiek-private samenwerkingsverbanden in het Nederlandse strafrecht
    Promotores: Prof. P. Mevis & prof. P. Verrest
  • Romy Hanoeman 
    Equality in legal career paths 
    Promotores: Prof. P. Mascini, dr. W.J. Kortleven & dr. N. Holvast
  • Elise Maes 
    Housewifization, women & the platform economy: a prolongation of persistent precarity 
    Promotores: Prof. C.G. van Wingerde & dr. Jing Hiah  
  • Amr Marzouk
    Experimental authoritarianism: how illiberal regimes learn to dominate cyberspace
    Promotores: Prof. R. van Swaaningen & Dr. W. van der Wagen
  • Anna Merz
    From CEO to criminal? Uncovering peer-group disapproval of white-collar crime within business communities
    Promotores: Prof. R. van Swaaningen & Prof.  C.G. van Wingerde
  • Thomas van Mourik 
    Een juridisch-normatieve evaluatie van de strafrechtelijke aanpak van georganiseerde drugscriminaliteit in de Rotterdamse haven 
    Promotores: Prof. P. Verrest & Prof. Lieselot Bisschop 
  • Isabella Regan
    New power dynamics? Public and private power (im)balances within online open-source investigations of inter- and transnational crimes.
    Promotores: Prof. L. Bisschop & Prof. P. Mascini
  • Jill Stigter 
    The organisation and social embeddedness of human smuggling in and around the Port of Rotterdam 
    Promotores: Prof. R. Staring & Prof. R. Roks 
  • Majsa Storbeck 
    AI and the Ethics of Surveillance 
    Promotores: Prof. G. Jacobs & Prof. M. Schuilenburg & dr. R. van den Akker 
  • Ruben Timmerman
    Irregular migrant workers within Dutch informal economies: The intersection between human trafficking and immigration control
    Promotores: Prof. R. Staring & Prof. R. van Swaaningen
  • Chantal van der Vis 
    De houdbaarheid van een algemene regeling van de strafbaarstelling van poging tot een misdrijf 
    Promotores: Prof. P.A.M. Mevis & Prof. P.A.M. Verrest 
  • Emma Weerd 
    Visual presentation of female criminality 
    Promotores: Prof. R. van Swaaningen & dr. Joost Jansen 
  • Carmen ter Weijden 
    Harbor Hustlers: A New Generation in Organized Drug Crime 
    Promotores: Prof. R. Roks & Prof. R. Staring 
  • Martijn Wessels 
    Digitalization of Policing 
    Promotores: Prof. M. Schuilenburg & Prof. R. van Swaaningen 
  • Lujia Sun
    Development and Implementation of Mobile Health Strategy from a legal perspective in the Global Context – a practical case study of China
    Promotor: Prof. M. Buijsen & dr. A. den Exter

  • Nino Arzini 
    Aftrek van voorbelasting bij onroerend goed 
    Promotores: Prof. M. Merkx & dr. M. Albers 
  • Noel Chow 
    Rules Based Economic Integration in the ASEAN Region: Burdensome Trade Compliance Practices and Developing a Mature Compliance Environment 
    Promotores: Prof. W. de Wit & dr. M. Schippers 
  • John Gruson 
    Soft Law and Value Added Tax 
    Promotores: Prof. M. Merkx & Prof. W. de Wit 
  • Anne Janssen 
    Creating conditions for enforcement to ensure the collection of VAT on cross-border e-commerce 
    Promotores: Prof. M. Merkx & Prof. Arendsen 
  • Robert Kastelein 

    Onderwerp: Climate Change Mitigation and Local Taxes

    Promotores: Prof. A. Schep & Prof. L. Reins

  • Nikolai Milogolov 
    Tools and outcomes of international tax competition with investment hub jurisdictions 
    Promotores: Prof. M. de Wilde & Prof. B. Unger 
  • Sophia Murillo Lopez 
    National Income Inequality – a Subproduct of ‘Tax Internationalization? 
    Promotores: E. Hey & Prof. M. de Wilde 
  • Fleur den Ouden 
    De beginselen van goede procesorde 
    Promotores: Prof. G.J.M.E. de Bont & Prof. C. Hofman 
  • Alicja Smolkowska 
    Delineating the significance of intangible capital in a globally restructured value chains: a transfer pricing perspective 
    Promotores: Prof. M. de Wilde & Prof. Q. Kok 
  • Koen Verburg 
    Promotores: Prof. M. Merkx & Prof. G.J.M.E. de Bont 
  • Wang Jie
    Reconsidering formulary apportionment in the Post-BEPS Era
    Promotores: Prof. R. Kok & Prof. M.F. de Wilde

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