Lieselot Bisschop's core areas of interest and expertise are environmental harm, corporate crime, organized crime and environmental governance. Past and ongoing studies have for instance focused on e-waste trafficking and planned obsolescence of electronics, wildlife, gold and timber trafficking, shipbreaking and coastal land loss. The difficult balance between economic, environmental and social considerations and between public and private governance is what continues to intrigue me and inspires my research. As co-chair on Public & Private Interests as part of the Sector Plan for Law, she focuses on how public and private actors together or individually govern public interests, with a particular focus on environment and human rights. Next to projects on environmental crime (e.g. Forever Chemicals-PFAS), her ongoing research also focuses on public and private (cooperation in the) control and prevention of organized crime (e.g. drugs trafficking via port of Rotterdam) and subversive crime [ondermijning]. As a member of the multidisciplinary research team of Erasmus Initiative on Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity, she invests in gaining insights into the drivers of environmental degradation and social exclusion and into the ways in which governments, businesses and civil society can individually and jointly take up governance responsibilities to reach inclusive prosperity
More information
- Lieselot Bisschop, Karin van Wingerde, Abby Onencan & Sammie Verbeek (2025) - State-corporate crime and the environment - doi: 10.4337/9781803923833.00051 - [link]
- Lieselot Bisschop, Diana Bociga, Marieke Kluin & Emily Homer (2025) - Examining the multifaceted harms of corporate and white-collar crime: Editorial notes - Crime, Law and Social Change, 83 (1) - doi: 10.1007/s10611-025-10198-6 - [link]
- A. Serpe, D. Purchase, L. Bisschop, D. Chatterjee, G. De Gioannis, H. Garelick, A. Kumar, W. J.G.M. Peijnenburg, V. M.I. Piro, M. Cera, Y. Shevah & S. Verbeek (2024) - 2002-2022: 20 years of e-waste regulation in the European Union and the worldwide trends in legislation and innovation technologies for a circular economy - RSC Sustainability - doi: 10.1039/d4su00548a - [link]
- Sammie Verbeek, Aaron Bron & Lieselot Bisschop (2024) - Voor altijd vervuild: <i>forever chemicals</i> in de Lage Landen - [link]
- Abby Muricho Onencan, Lieselot Bisschop & Yogi Hendlin (2024) - Experiences of living within PFAS-polluted environs: a systematic review - Crime, Law and Social Change, 82 (4), 961-987 - doi: 10.1007/s10611-024-10173-7 - [link]
- Lieselot Bisschop & Sammie Verbeek (2024) - Historical PFAS pollution as a state-facilitated corporate crime.: Findings from a case study research about DuPont de Nemours/Chemours Dordrecht (the Netherlands) - [link]
- Lieselot Bisschop & Sammie Verbeek (2024) - Voor altijd, en voor alles en iedereen. Milieuvervuiling door PFAS - [link]
- Karin van Wingerde, Sammie Verbeek & Lieselot Bisschop (2023) - De aanpak van milieucriminaliteit in Nederland: Lessen van de afgelopen decennia - Justitiële Verkenningen, 49 (4), 10-27 - doi: 10.5553/JV/016758502023049004002
- Karin van Wingerde, Lieselot Bisschop & Sammie Verbeek (2023) - Open de 'black box': aandacht voor slachtofferschap en schade van organisatiecriminaliteit - Tijdschrift voor Bijzonder Strafrecht & Handhaving, 9 (6), 305-312 - doi: 10.5553/TBSenH/229567002023009006006
- Enrique Santamaria Echeverria, Koen Swinnen, Lieselot Bisschop, René Repasi & Aurelia Colombi Ciacchi (2023) - The Public-Private Challenge: The Role of Private Actors in Defining, Safeguarding and Implementing Public Interests - Erasmus Law Review, 2023 (2), 69-70 - doi: 10.5553/ELR.000256
- Lieselot Bisschop (4 March 2024) - Vechten tegen de cocaïnekaai: Nederland en België niet op één lijn in de strijd tegen drugs
- Lieselot Bisschop (4 March 2024) - Vechten tegen de cocainekaai. De war on drugs is een holle slogan
- Maria Carmen Punzi & Lieselot Bisschop (1 December 2023) - Alumni awards for empowering people towards safety and success
- Maria Carmen Punzi, Karin van Wingerde, Richard Staring, Lieselot Bisschop, Semiha Denktas, Stijntje Dijk & Martijn de Jong (13 November 2023) - GLOBAL ROUND UP SECTOR WEEKLY: UNIVERSITY NEWSLETTER OF WEEK-ENDED NOV 12, 2023
- Karin van Wingerde, Richard Staring & Lieselot Bisschop (9 November 2023) - Criminology research group winner of the 2023 Research Prize
- Lieselot Bisschop (31 October 2023) - Studio Erasmus Interview over de strafzaak van de PFAS vervuiling
- Yogi Hendlin & Lieselot Bisschop (29 June 2023) - Chemical factory in Dordrecht has known about serious health risks of PFAS for decades
- Yogi Hendlin & Lieselot Bisschop (21 June 2023) - -Erasmus University Rotterdam : Chemical factory Dordrecht knew about serious health risks of PFAS for decades
- Yogi Hendlin & Lieselot Bisschop (20 June 2023) - Chemical factory Dordrecht knew about serious health risks of PFAS for decades
- René Repasi, Lieselot Bisschop, Ana Vasques & Gera Noordzij (19 June 2023) - GLOBAL ROUND UP SECTOR WEEKLY: UNIVERSITY NEWSLETTER OF WEEK-ENDED JUN 18, 2023
- Lieselot Bisschop (2024) - Lawful but awful? DuPont de Nemours – Chemours, Dordrecht, the Netherlands; (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Lieselot Bisschop, Karin van Wingerde & Sammie Verbeek (2024) - De keerzijde van grenzeloze groei (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Lieselot Bisschop, Sammie Verbeek & Aaron Bron (2024) - Voor altijd vervuild. Forever Pollution in the Lage Landen (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Lieselot Bisschop (2024) - Milieucriminaliteit, slachtoffers, schade (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Professional - Karin van Wingerde, Lieselot Bisschop, Robby Roks & Richard Staring (2024) - FORT-PORT Kick-off (Organiser)
Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic - Lieselot Bisschop (2024) - Vulnerabilities for drug trafficking in port infrastructure and port governance. Lessons learned in and around Rotterdam, Port and Terminal Seminar (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Professional - Lieselot Bisschop (2024) - Historical PFAS pollution as a state-facilitated corporate crime. Case study of Dordrecht Works DuPont de Nemours/Chemours Dordrecht Netherlands (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Lieselot Bisschop (2024) - The Relevance of Infrastructure: Drugs Trafficking via the Port of Rotterdam (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Lieselot Bisschop (2024) - OC i/t Netherlands: Drugs trafficking via Port of Rotterdam (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Lieselot Bisschop (2024) - Voor altijd vervuild. Schadelijk gedrag vs. criminaliteit (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic
- Lieselot Bisschop, Robby Roks, Richard Staring & Karin van Wingerde (2023) - Erasmus Research Prize 2023
- Lieselot Bisschop, S Strobl & J Viollaz (2019) - Outstanding Article Award 2019 for article "Getting Into Deep Water: Coastal Land Loss and State-Corporate Crime in the Louisiana Bayou" published in the British Journal of Criminology
- Lieselot Bisschop (2014) - Rudi Verheyen Award for research with a particular relevance for environmental policy
Organised Crime and governance
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RIMC12
Master’s thesis
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
Master’s thesis: Final Session
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
Thesis Master Criminology
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RS127
Corporate & White-collar crime and Gover
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RQ89
Organised Crime and Governance
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RQ96
Thesis Master Criminology
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RS133
Corporate & White-collar crime and Gover
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RIMC13
Master’s thesis
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code