Study association Sui Generis founded for the master Legal Theory & Socio-Legal Studies

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Thursday 22 October 2020 marked an exciting day for students of the master Legal Theory & Socio-Legal Studies, as on that day the study association Sui Generis was officially founded. The association’s founders, consisting of alumni and students of the Legal Theory & Socio-Legal Studies programme, aim to offer a place for independent, creative students who want to contribute to the discussion of what law’s role is in today’s society.

President of Sui Generis, Yannick Leen: ‘We founded this study association with the aim to create a platform where students can discuss legal and societal issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. We felt like many fundamental questions concerning the foundation of law have been overlooked in the bachelors, and we wanted to create an environment in which these topics could be addressed.’

The newly founded study association aims to bridge the gap between the academic and legal practice world by organising inspiring events in collaboration with experts from different fields, emphasising the increasing importance of interdisciplinarity in legal academics and the legal profession.

Brandt Weber, treasurer of Sui Generis: ‘Our aim with Sui Generis really is to create a free space for discussion and community where thinking, connecting and innovating does not have to end. In addition to social drinks and interactive seminars, one of our recurring activities will consists of quarterly ‘book club’ meetings, in which we invite experts to discuss readings connected to law. For our first book club meeting on November 6 for example, we invited mr. dr. Claudia Bouteligier to give a lecture on a short text by Dostoyevsky about state and law. We are really excited about these meetings, because we believe book discussions can be great starting points for new ideas and further discussions.’

Luckily, Sui Generis is open to anyone who is interested in legal theory and legal philosophy. Kyra Arneri, secretary: ‘Bachelor students and alumni of Erasmus School of Law are more than welcome to join as well! We welcome anyone who is eager to contemplate law’s place in society, regardless of your master specialisation.’ Of course, the newly founded association also has a strong social focus. ‘We are a student association after all, and students also like to have drinks from time to time,’ Arneri says laughingly.

Interested in becoming a member or looking for more information? Please send an email to

More information

Sui Generis’ first official book club event will take place on Friday 6 November 2020 (via Zoom), focusing on Dostoevsky’s The Grand Inquisitor in cooperation with mr. dr. Claudia Bouteligier, assistant professor at Erasmus School of Law. Interested in joining? Send an email to

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