Plans for international collaboration and exchange


On 25 September, a promising meeting occurred between representatives of the East China University of Political Science and Law and Erasmus School of Law. This meeting resulted in several proposals for further collaboration between the two institutions.

During the meeting, various opportunities were discussed to strengthen the cooperation between the East China University of Political Science and Law and Erasmus School of Law. Ilva Putzier, Coordinator Internationalisation at Erasmus School of Law, says: “I think that the East China University of Political Science and Law and Erasmus School of Law have common interests in legal topics that derive from both being in important harbor cities. This is reflected by a focus of international maritime law at both institutions. To stay at the top of research in this field, the exchange with international partners is crucial.”

Exchange Projects

One of the key topics was the renewal of the expired Memorandum of Understanding, which would enhance student and staff exchanges between the institutions. Putzier states: “With formalizing our collaboration by renewing the memorandum of understanding, we hope to strengthen and extend the exchange between the East China University of Political Science and Law and Erasmus School of Law on different levels, from exchange of students and collaboration in education, learning from each other, but also forming a base for the exchange between researchers from both institutions.” Furthermore, there was also mutual interest in other initiatives, such as the possibility of launching a double-degree program, for example in the fields of maritime law and digitalization/tech-law, which are strong interests of both institutions. Further collaboration ideas included jointly organized summer schools, PhD colloquia, and online blended projects where both students from the East China University of Political Science and Law and Erasmus School of Law could work on small projects within existing master's courses. Additionally, the possibility of partnering with a third international institution was discussed. This would elevate the collaboration to an even more international level and provide more opportunities for both students and staff. 

Invitation to Shanghai

Following the meeting, the East China University of Political Science and Law delegation invited participants from Erasmus School of Law to visit Shanghai in 2025. This visit could potentially coincide with a major conference taking place in Shanghai in May of that year, which some Erasmus School of Law staff members are already planning to attend. 

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