Judge Koen Lenaerts to receive honorary doctorate on the recommendation of Erasmus School of Law; presentation on Friday 8 November 2024

Koen Lenaerts

Following the recommendation of Erasmus School of Law, Koen Lenaerts, the President of the European Court of Justice, will receive an honorary doctorate by Erasmus University Rotterdam. The title “Doctor Honoris Causa” will be bestowed upon him during the celebration of the University’s 111th anniversary on Friday 8 November 2024. Fabian Amtenbrink, Professor of European Union Law at Erasmus School of Law, will act as his honorary promotor.

Koen Lenaerts is a prominent Belgian jurist and legal scholar who currently serves as the President of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), a position he has held since 2015. The ECJ is the highest court in the European Union (EU). It not only monitors the legality of the acts of the European Union institutions, but also oversees the Member State’s compliance with EU law. Furthermore, the ECJ ensures the uniform interpretation and application of EU law across all 27 Member States.

Lenaerts was born in 1954 in Mortsel, Belgium and has an impressive academic background: holding law degrees from both KU Leuven Faculty of Law and Harvard Law School. He joined the ECJ as a judge in 2003, after having previously served as a judge at the Court of First Instance (now the General Court) from 1989 to 2003. In addition to his work at the ECJ, Lenaerts is Professor of European law at the Institute for European Law of the Faculty of Law and Criminology at KU Leuven.

Lenaerts is known and widely praised for his sharp analytical mind and encyclopedic knowledge that goes far beyond EU law. His intellectual curiosity becomes evident from his numerous leading academic publications on a wide range of subjects, in which he also regularly bridges the gap between theory and legal practice. His work has intellectually enriched generations of law students, academics and legal practitioners. In his capacity as a judge at the ECJ, he has made an important contribution over the years to the development of the EU’s legal order in areas such as the protection of human rights and the rule of law, and the advancement of legal principles that govern the actions of EU and national public authorities. In his public appearances, he is not only an outspoken advocate of the independence of the European and national judiciary but also of the dialogue between the ECJ and the Member States’ courts.

Harriët Schelhaas, Dean of Erasmus School of Law, looks forward to welcoming Koen Lenaerts as a member of the Erasmus University's academic community: "Conferring an honorary doctorate degree on judge Lenaerts pays tribute to the exceptional contributions that he has made in his field. His work inspires us all and reflects the values ​​of Erasmus School of Law: dedication, innovation and a deep-rooted pursuit of knowledge and progress. By awarding this honorary doctorate, Erasmus University Rotterdam and especially Erasmus School of Law also stress the importance of linking legal theory and legal practice."

Save the date

With judge Koen Lenaerts in a central role, Erasmus School of Law organises an interactive symposium by invitation on Friday morning, 8 November, entitled: “The Peoples of Europe and the Court of Justice: Upholding Democratic Values”. Details about this event and how to register will follow soon.

More information

For the full programme of the 111th Dies Natalis, click here

For more information, please contact Erasmus School of Law Communications Advisor Ronald de Groot, rdegroot@ese.eur.nl, +316 53 641 846.

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