Why this programme

Commercial and Company Law

What does this study entail?

A choice for Commercial and Company Law at Erasmus University in Rotterdam is a choice for our practice-oriented education and the environment. Below you can read the main reasons why other Commercial and Company Law students preceded you.

  • You will get a unique combination of specialist courses in the field of company and commercial law, and with general courses in European private law and comparative private law;
  • You get a thorough insight into the legal aspects of doing business in an international setting;
  • You get educated by our excellent teaching staff. They have both a solid (international) academic background as well as a wealth of experience in the commercial and legal practise;
  • You get to study in one of the leading commercial centres and largest ports of Europe, which means you will often go “on-site” to see how things work in practice.


Stepan Korostelev

Stepan Korostelev - LL.M. Student Commercial and Company 2021-2022

My experience with the LLM program in Commercial and Company Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam has been nothing short of remarkable.
Stepan Korostelev
My experience with the LLM program in Commercial and Company Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam has been nothing short of remarkable.

My name is Stepan Korostelev, and I recently completed an amazing 1-year LLM program in Commercial and Company Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Prior to pursuing this program, I obtained my law degree and gained professional experience in various legal fields. Motivated by my interest in intellectual property law and the positive feedback I received from Erasmus University alumni, I decided to embark on this academic journey to enhance my legal expertise and broaden my career prospects.

The primary reason I chose this specific master's program was the well-rounded curriculum it offered, with a particular possibility to study Intellectual Property (IP) Law and Capita Selecta Trademark Law course. Erasmus University has a stellar reputation for its law faculty, and their professors specialized in commercial law sphere, which was a perfect fit for my career aspirations.

My experience with the LLM program in Commercial and Company Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam has been nothing short of remarkable. The curriculum was thoughtfully designed, encompassing a diverse range of interactive assignments and activities. Two standout components that truly enriched my learning experience were the internal Moot court on CISG matters and the Oxford Debates in EU Bankruptcy law. These interactive sessions not only allowed me to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios but also honed my critical thinking, oral advocacy, and legal research skills.

For prospective master students considering the LLM program in Commercial and Company Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam, I would like to offer a few tips based on my experience:

  • Embrace the interactive assignments: Make the most of the interactive assignments. These activities provide an excellent platform to apply theoretical knowledge, develop advocacy skills, and engage with peers in intellectual discussions.
  • Time management: As the program progresses, the workload can become demanding, particularly during the fourth block when working on the Master thesis alongside studies. I would recommend to the University to interchange the positions of the third and fourth blocks. This change would allow for a more balanced allocation of time and resources, enabling students to effectively manage both their thesis and coursework.
  • Engage in social activities: Take advantage of the opportunities to widen your network associated with Erasmus University. Actively participate in networking events, social drinks and legal conferences to connect with professionals in the field of Commercial and Company Law. It is fun and very useful for your perspective career.

In conclusion, my experience with the LLM program in Commercial and Company Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam has been highly rewarding. The curriculum's assignments, coupled with the faculty's expertise and guidance, have enhanced my legal skills and deepened my understanding of law in general and EU law in particular. While I suggest a slight adjustment in the sequencing of the program's blocks, I wholeheartedly recommend this master's program to aspiring students seeking a comprehensive and dynamic education in Commercial and Company Law.

Stepan Korostelev

Paulina Kletschke

Paulina Kletschke - LL.M. Student Commercial and Company Law 2019-2020

Rotterdam has job perspectives for international professionals, but also offers a great student life.
Paulina Kletschke
Rotterdam has job perspectives for international professionals, but also offers a great student life.

Choosing a master’s programme that fits ones interests, needs and ambitions is hard, especially as the options seem endless. My name is Paulina Kletschke, I am 24 years old, German and finished an LL.B. programme in European Law at Maastricht University. I had former experience studying in the Netherlands and knew that I also wanted to pursue my master’s degree in this beautiful country. During my bachelor’s, I did a business law minor, which awoke my interest in corporate law. After researching my options, it was clear that the Commercial and Company Law master’s at Erasmus University Rotterdam is the correct choice for me. It combined all the fields I am enthusiastic about, such as intellectual property-, competition-, corporate governance- and tax law. Furthermore, I saw Rotterdam as the perfect city to live in. It has the typical Dutch small-town flair, but is at the same time a big, vibrant, modern city. It has job perspectives for international professionals, but also offers a great student life. The combination of the city itself and the master’s programme made me pick this LL.M. above all others and I was not disappointed.

The master’s offered me the chance to grow personally and academically. I was impressed by the effort and work the professors put into supporting me and my personal goals. I felt incredibly supported and encouraged to grow above my own expectations during the LL.M. programme. Next to academic advice, I received personal feedback and opportunities. The university does not only want you to do well in your studies, but also to support you beyond that step. Once you are in the Erasmus School of Law family, you are part of a community and continue to be part of it as an alumnus or alumna. As I had the great opportunity to be the Commissioner of External Affairs for the Trade and Transport Law Association, I was in contact with many alumni. It was interesting to exchange information about how the programme developed and grew throughout the past years and what my options for the future are.

One aspect I appreciated most about the University is the openness concerning critical feedback. After every period, a feedback round was held in which the students could give direct feedback to the people responsible and exchange their experiences. This is a really good system to ensure a steady improvement of the programme, which benefits all the parties involved.

When starting a new academic block, the list of readings and deadlines one finds in the syllabus may seem overwhelming at first. But in my opinion the workload is well balanced and doable through proper time management. I was able to follow the programme, while working and being engaged in different extracurricular activities. So, I encourage everyone to not be discouraged, since the community, from staff to fellow students, is understanding, supportive and very helpful.

All in all, the LL.M. in Commercial and Company Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam is a great choice for students that look for a supportive environment and a compelling study.

Paulina Kletschke

Gonzalo Rizo Patron

Gonzalo Rizo Patron - LL.M. student Commercial and Company Law 2019-2020

Rotterdam is an amazing city to live in, its atmosphere is pretty open-minded and welcoming to internationals.
Gonzalo Rico
Rotterdam is an amazing city to live in, its atmosphere is pretty open-minded and welcoming to internationals.

My name is Gonzalo Rizo Patron, I am 31 years old. I was born and raised in Lima, Peru, where I did bachelor studies, got the qualification to practice law, and acquired professional experience. Before enrolling at the Commercial and Company Law LL.M. programme  at Erasmus University Rotterdam, I worked in the legal department of the Peruvian subsidiaries of multinational companies for a few years, mainly in the field of corporate law with a focus on contract and company law.

While having stable job, I felt that I needed to get out of my comfort zone, so I decided to pursue new challenges to enhance and give an international perspective to my career. I was looking to increase my knowledge and experience in corporate law, but as a native Spanish speaker I also wanted to improve my English, and overall live a life-enriching experience. I did right by choosing Rotterdam and Commercial and Company Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam for that purpose!

The LL.M. programme provides an attractive duality between company and commercial law. Courses like International Corporate Governance and Company Law and Restructuring meant learning relevant insights of the European corporate law framework, which surely add value to my career. Courses like Commercial Law and Carriage of Goods got me to explore the legal aspects of international trade at the biggest port of Europe (situated in Rotterdam); which is an interesting field for countries like Peru, with a large part of its economy based on exports.

For those enrolling in this LL.M. programme, be advised that sometimes it can be very demanding. During the first course, attendance is mandatory. Herein you will face frequent deadlines, and at an early stage you will have to start working on your thesis, so better start thinking on potential topics. The school has been struggling to better some organisational aspects and their communications to students. They have been actively collecting feedback from students and I am sure that it will just get better. They have demonstrated its commitment to improve by quickly adapting to the online format within the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic and being keen to listen to students in the whole process.

Finally, I must say that Rotterdam is an amazing city to live in, it is a really safe place and its atmosphere is pretty open-minded and welcoming to internationals. Its modern architecture and skyline are impressive, and it has plenty of beautiful parks and lakes, which together with the ‘Nieuwe Maas’ river deliver great landscapes. So when the weather is nice you will definitely want to be out! There are also plenty of cultural and nightlife activities to enjoy when you are not struggling with the -sometimes tight- deadlines. The best of all is that due to its bike friendly infrastructure, you can safely cycle to anywhere in the city in about 15 to 20 minutes. Moreover, although the official language in the Netherlands is Dutch, English is absolutely widespread, so it is a perfect alternative to experience an English-speaking life.

Gonzalo Rico

Benedict Tan

Benedict Tan - LL.M. student Commercial and Company Law 2019-2020

The community is also friendly, warm, and welcoming – even for non-Dutch speakers like me.
Benedict Tan
The community is also friendly, warm, and welcoming – even for non-Dutch speakers like me.

My name is Benedict Tan and I am from Singapore. In the academic year 2019/2020, I was enrolled in Erasmus University Rotterdam’s LL.M. programme Commercial and Company Law, under a dual degree programme with the National University of Singapore.

Erasmus University Rotterdam was an excellent choice for me because it is such an international university. There are many wonderful opportunities in Erasmus University Rotterdam to meet people from all around the world, as well as develop an international mindset. Coming from a common law background in Singapore, it was also intriguing to experience the differences in a civil law jurisdiction.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Erasmus University Rotterdam. The curriculum for the LL.M. programme Commercial and Company Law was well-designed. It featured many international aspects, which means that it was relevant even for those who intended to return to their home country after completion of the degree. Moreover, many of the subjects provided a broad overview with useful comparative analysis. This is exactly what education for a master’s degree ought to be – concerned with more than just the black letter law, but also normative questions of what an effective legal system should be. Finally, the pace of lessons was also appropriate, in that it was sufficiently rigorous whilst still allowing me ample time to make friends, build a network, as well as travel around Europe.

I would highly recommend prospective master’s students to think hard about what they want to achieve in their master’s programme. Erasmus School of Law has much to offer, including well-run co-curricular activities such as study trips, student associations and moot competitions. The community is also friendly, warm, and welcoming – even for non-Dutch speakers like me. I never felt out of place and my Dutch friends truly made me feel at home. Ultimately, a master’s degree is for many of us the final few steps in our formal education, so do make the most out of it!

Benedict Tan

Antonia Solini

Antonia Solini - LL.M. student Commercial and Company Law 2016-2017

If you dream it, you can do it.
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If you dream it, you can do it.

Goedendag! I am Antonia Solini, a 26-year-old LL.M. student in Commercial and Company Law, and  from the beautiful and always sunny Greece. Studying at Erasmus School of Law has been an experience better than I could ever have imagined! Let me explain why. 

During my prior studies in the Faculty of Law at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus, I realised that I wanted to specialise in Commercial and Company Law. I believe this is a fascinating field with many perspectives, and it has a significant impact on most important aspects of society. Following the advice of one of my professors, I began to look into the Erasmus School of Law. I knew immediately that I was closer to my goal of becoming an outstanding lawyer, and that this Master Programme would be an excellent starting point.

First of all, the high standards of research programmes at Erasmus University present a perfect opportunity to fulfill your professional ambitions. Meeting esteemed faculty members will turn your journey into an extraordinary period of learning. In addition, the wide range of modules on offer will greatly enrich your studies and help you in your prospective career.
In my opinion, the best part consists of the visits to law firms where you can see in practice all the theory that you have learned. It is also a tremendous opportunity to expand your networking even further. 

Rotterdam is one of the most important economic centres in The Netherlands, hosting some of the biggest multinational corporations and shipping industries in Europe. There is no better place to study this discipline. Moreover, studying in an international environment will give you the privilege of creating new bonds with people from all around the world. It is amazing how similar we are, even if we grew up in countries as far from each other as, for example, Greece and Ecuador. 

Rotterdam has many parks and lakes to visit on those lucky days when it happens to be warm. It is also the best city in which to ride a bicycle, as every street has a cycle path, and there are many bicycle parking spots around the city. All in all, cycling is an easy and a cheap way to explore the modern city of Rotterdam.

A quote that I particularly like, and that gives me strength in difficult situations, is this: ‘If you dream it, you can do it!’ To all prospective students, I recommend that you apply to Erasmus University now, and do not miss the chance of having the most exciting lifetime experience. And make the most of all the many fantastic opportunities that the University offers. 

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Emmanuel Itete Mugagga

Emmanuel Itete Mugagga - LL.M. student Commercial and Company Law 2016-2017

I try to find time to walk around and to explore many different things in the city.
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I try to find time to walk around and to explore many different things in the city.

I obtained a scholarship from the ESL TalentFund, which offers students from developing countries the opportunity to pursue an LL.M. at Erasmus School of Law. Since September 2016, I have been increasing my legal knowledge by following ESL’s LL.M. in Commercial and Company Law.

I come from Rwanda, and my first name is Emmanuel, which means God with us. My other name is Mugagga, and in our local language it means a very rich person. In God, I consider myself rich, although not currently in terms of money, but in many other wonderful ways, and the opportunity to study at Erasmus School of Law is just one of them, and a means to others.

Generally, no matter where lawyers live, they often have the same mindset and ideologies. The quality of education at Erasmus School of Law is very high, and the School’s pedagogical system motivates students to work hard. My LL.M. curriculum is good, providing students with structure and with the motivation to prepare well for class. In addition, Erasmus School of Law has excellent facilities, including an online library with a broad range of sources, to which students have access. In addition, there is a special library for law students − Sanders Law Library – with its selection of good books, magazines, and study areas. In my country, current legal resources are unfortunately scarce, and the system does not encourage or fully facilitate students to the extent that Erasmus does.

I have already been thinking about what I will bring back to my home country. In my opinion, it will be good to take the methodology and structure of the LL.M. of Erasmus School of Law as an example. I should be able to collect good literature, to prepare myself to give lectures and seminars, and to make sure that students can access the prescribed literature and are motivated to prepare themselves. This means that in the end, we can, together, raise the quality of lectures to a higher level.

Every week, I try to find time to walk around and to explore many different things in the city: for example, parks, museums, and the harbour. I also play soccer in a Dutch soccer team. In addition, I love to ride my bike from home to the university; it gives me the freedom to see a little more of the city, and I enjoy being outside, although it is a bit difficult for me to get used to the cold Dutch winter weather.

The process of applying for a scholarship takes time, so be committed and take the application very seriously. You also need to be patient. I did not receive a scholarship the first year that I applied, but I tried again, and in the second year I received one, which brought me to Erasmus School of Law in Rotterdam. It was absolutely worth the time and the effort!

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Niccolò Trombetta

Niccolò Trombetta - LL.M. student Commercial and Company Law 2016-2017

Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Logo Erasmus School of Law
Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

My name is Niccolò, and I am a 25-year-old Italian. After completing my 5-year LL.M. programme in Italy, I realised that I wanted to focus my career on Business Law. Once I started looking for LL.M. programmes in Italy and abroad, my choice soon fell on the Commercial and Company Law programme in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. I chose it because of the excellent level of education as well as its affordability. Another reason for choosing Erasmus School of Law was one of the LL.M.’s most distinctive features: namely, its double focus on both the corporate and the trade aspects of EU and international law.

I found education in Rotterdam to be more practical than the education I had followed in Italy. The Commercial and Company Law  LL.M. really gets ‘down to business’, and the lectures are frequently based on cases and on problem-solving. The lecturers often have wide experience in the field, and that is an invaluable quality. The courses are challenging, and they require commitment, but the opportunities you get are incredible. Together with three other students from different Master programmes, I represent the Erasmus School of Law in the prestigious Willem C. Vis Moot on International Commercial Arbitration. We have already attended preparatory sessions at universities and international law firms in Amsterdam, London, and Paris. In April, we will go to Vienna for the real deal: to compete against students from 270 universities from all over the world, under the watchful eye of legal experts in this field. We have already met countless amazing people, and what we learn from this experience, both personally and professionally, goes beyond what I could have imagined.

There’s no doubt that the LL.M. in Commercial and Company Law is tough. So my advice to prospective students is: Be ready. You will be expected to invest a lot of effort into your studies, but as always, the more you give, the more you get. And what you get here can prepare you for whatever career you may want to pursue in the future. As they say: Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

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