The Examination Board is only available through email until further notice.
The Examination Board Erasmus School of Law can help you with a number of matters, including:
- Exemption requests
- Applications for special facilities for students with disabilities
- Applications to sit interim examinations
- Applications for examinations taken at the student's 'own risk'
- Applications with regard to exceptions to transitional arrangements
- Permission to take courses at other universities (both in the Netherlands and abroad) and to incorporate the curriculum of these courses in your study programme.
Exam facilities for exams of Erasmus School of Law must be requested by starting a case in Osiris Student.
The examination board is also tasked with dealing with reports of fraud and is involved in issuing the binding study advice for students.
You can find the conditions for submitting a request to the examination board and other useful information in the Education and Examination Regulations of your program and the Regulations from the Examination Board ESL. The examination board requests that you consult the relevant articles in the Education and Examination Regulations of your program and the Regulations from the Examination Board ESL before submitting your request.
A request, with the exception of a request for examination facilities, can be submitted via the online form (only accessible with your ERNA-ID). If you do not yet have an ERNA-ID, a request can be submitted by e-mail ( with the completed request form in the attachment. If your request requires you to submit medical declarations or certified copies of non-EUR lists of marks or non-EUR diplomas, please send these documents by post. You may also present these documents during the examination board open consultations hour (Monday, 11:00 to 12:00). Electronic (scanned) copies of certified copies of non-EUR lists of marks or non-EUR diplomas will not be accepted.
The examination board will come to a decision as soon as possible, but in any event eight weeks after the date on which it receives your request. Incomplete requests will not be processed.
Submitting a request
If you want to submit a request to the examination board, please complete the form below and send it to (including appendices) or go to MyEUR.
Please note: if your request requires you to submit medical declarations or certified copies of non-EUR lists of marks or non-EUR diplomas, make sure to send these documents by post. Electronic (scanned) copies of medical declarations or certified copies of non-EUR lists of marks or non-EUR diplomas will not be accepted.
The examination board will come to a decision as soon as possible, but in any event eight weeks after the date on which it receives your request. Incomplete requests will not be processed. Erasmus School of Law will process your details with the utmost care and will not make them available to third parties without your permission.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please get in touch with the examination board secretaries.
Consultation hour Examination Board Erasmus School of Law (ESL)
The Examination Board Erasmus School of Law (ESL) organises a consultation hour every Tuesday between 10:30-11:00 and between 13:45-14:15 at its secretariat on the third floor of the Sanders building. For this consultation hour, you need to make an appointment in advance. You can request an appointment no later than the previous Friday before 15:00 via e-mail to, with ‘consultation hour’ and a short description of your question in the subject line. Include your student number and your preferred time. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail on the Monday before the consultation hour at the latest, with information about when and where you can report.
During the consultation hour, one of the secretaries (or several secretaries) of the examination committee will speak to you. Please note that during the consultation hour no promises will be made and no decisions will be taken on (submitted) requests.
The starting point remains to submit your request by online form. Simple questions can be asked by e-mail. The consultation hour is intended for more complex requests that require more explanation or a personal interview. We advise you to familiarise yourself with the relevant articles in the Education and Examination Regulations of your programme, as well as the Rules of the Examination Board and the information on this website before requesting an appointment. If you have study-related questions about, for example, study planning (including BSA), educational programmes, study progress and arrangements in case of illness and personal problems, please contact the study advisor. Requests for special examination facilities due to a functional impairment should always be discussed in advance with the study advisor, see Studeren met een functiebeperking (in Dutch) for the procedure. Personal circumstances in the context of the BSA, should be reported to the study advisor.