Law, Society & Crime

Law, Society & Crime

Our department Law, Society & Crime focuses strongly on societal relevance and scientific impact. With our research and education, we are at the center of many current debates in society and politics, both at national and European level: whether it concerns the fight against subversive crime, medical-ethical issues, harmonisation of criminal procedures in an EU context , or corporate compliance with financial or environmental laws.


Karin van Wingerde reappointed as Professor of Corporate Crime and Governance

The chair provides the opportunity to further research the interdisciplinary field of (regulatory) governance.
Karin van Wingerde

Jolande uit Beijerse reappointed as Professor of Judicial Youth Interventions

From 1 February 2025, Jolande uit Beijerse has been reappointed Professor of Justitiƫle Jeugdinterventies (Judicial Youth Interventions).
Jolande uit Beijerse zwart-wit

Better armed with science in the fight against youth weapon possession

A recent literature review, conducted by Erasmus School of Law and NSCR, provides insights into the background of knives and other weapons among young people.
Wapens en jongeren - Onderzoek 'Met wetenschap beter bewapend'

Tamar Fischer appointed as Professor of Empirical Criminology: Offender-Oriented Interventions

This chair provides the possibility to research the approach of offenders in its complex societal and institutional context.
Foto van Tamar Fischer

Lieselot Bisschop reappointed as Professor of Public and Private Interests

As of 1 January 2025, Lieselot Bisschop has been reappointed as Professor of Public and Private Interests at Erasmus School of Law.
Lieselot Bisschop

Marc Schuilenburg appointed as member of Scientific Advisory Board for the Police

This article is about Schuilenburg's appointment as member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Police.
portretfoto van Marc Schuilenburg

ā€œAlternative practitioners can face prosecution for advising against medical treatmentā€

Nederlanders zoeken steeds vaker alternatieve behandelaars op.
Martin Buijsen

On the run: how can a convict disappear?

Sanne Struijk discusses the system of pre-trial detention and the role of bail within Dutch criminal law.
Sanne Struijk

Tackling hardening in prisons requires a new long-term security vision

A study on the impact of combating undermining crime on the Custodial Institutions Agency (DJI).
Gevangenis binnenplaats

Continued battle: can the Netherlands really enforce e-cigarette flavour ban?

Martin Buijsen explains in this article whether the ban on flavoured e-cigarettes is effective.

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