- 2 May 2019: Grace Lordan (LSE)
Time: 12:00-13:00
Location: room J7-55 - 21 March 2019: Adam Atherly (University of Vermont)
Time: 12:00-13:00
Location: room TBA - 14 March 2019: Hareth Al-Janabi (Birmingham)
Time: 12:00-13:00
Location: room J7-55 - 7 March 2019: Rudy Douven (CPB and EUR)
Time: 12:00-13:00
Location:TBA - 21 February 2019: Cobus Burger (Stellenbosch)
Time: 12:00-13:00
Location:EB-12 - 7 February 2019: Tamara Bischof (Bern)
Time: 12:00-13:00
Location:EB-12 - 17 January 2019: Pauline Rossi (University of Amsterdam and CEPR) (with Paola Villar, University of Namur)
Title: Private Health Investments under Competing Risks: Evidence from Malaria Control in Senegal
Time: 12:00-13:00
Location: J7-55 (Bayle building)
- 20 December 2018 – Adam Oliver (LSE) – 12:00-13:00 – room 12-30
- 13 December 2018 – Sebastian Fleitas (University of Leuven) – 12:00-13:00 – room H12-30
- 6 December 2018 – Natascha Wagner (ISS - Erasmus University Rotterdam) – 12:15-13:15 – room H10-31
- 29 November 2018 – Pedro Rosa Dias (Imperial College London) – 12:00-13:00 – room H12-30
- 11 October 2018 – Stefanie von Hinke Kessler Scholder (Bristol, ESE) – 12:15-13:15 – room H10-31
- 20 September 2018 – Maarten Voors (Wageningen University) – 12:00-13:00 – room H12-30
Title: Healthcare Delivery during Crises: Experimental Evidence from Sierra Leone’s Ebola Outbreak - 5 July 2018 – John Cawley (Cornell University) – 12:00-13:00 – room H9-2
Title: The Impact of Information Disclosure on Consumer Behavior: Results from a Randomized Field Experiment of Calorie Labels on Restaurant Menus - 21 June 2018 – Daniel Wiesen (Cologne) – 12:00 - 13:00 – room H12-30
Title: Physician performance pay: Experimental evidence - 7 June – Aki Tsuchiya (Sheffield University) – 12:00 - 13:00 – room H12-30
Title: Comparing inequality and risk aversion in social welfare for health and income: an empirical analysis using hypothetical scenarios with losses - 31 May 2018 – Elisabeth Huynh (Sydney) – 12:00 - 13:00 – room J-55
Title: The Preference Structure of Dentists’ Job Search and Choice - 17 May 2018 – Titus Galama (University of South California/Erasmus School of Economics) – 12:00-13:00 – room H09-02
Title: Gene-by-SES interplay in health behaviour: theory and empirics - 23 May 2018 - Kevin Volpp (University of Pennsylvania) - 14:00 - 15:00 - room M12-12 (on a Wednesday)
Title: - 12 April 2018 – Maarten Voors (Wageningen University) – 11:00-12:00 – room H12-30
Title: Healthcare Delivery during Crises: Experimental Evidence from Sierra Leone’s Ebola Outbreak - 22 March 2018 – Guido Erreygers (University of Antwerp) – 15:00-16:00 – room H12-30.
Title: Decomposing rank- and level-dependent indicators of income-related inequality of health: A comparison of recent regression-based approaches - 15 February 2018 – Libertad González (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) – 12:00-13:00 – room H12-30.
Title: The Effect of an Income Shock at Birth on Child Health: Evidence from a Child Benefit in Spain - 26 February 2018 – Carol Propper (Imperial College London) – 12:00-13:00 – room H09-02.
Title: Internet and Health Choices: Evidence from the UK - 25 January 2018 – Adriaan Kalwij (Utrecht University) – 12:00-13:00 – room H12-30.
Title: The Effects of Competition Outcomes on Health: Evidence from the Lifespans of U.S. Olympic Medalists
- 11 December 2017 - Sam Harper (McGill University) - 12:00-13:00 - Erasmus Medical Center (different location)
Title: Can we tax our way to more equitable tobacco use? Evidence from Canada - 16 November 2017 - Oddvar Martin Kaarbøe (University of Oslo) - 12:00-13:00 - room J7-55
Title: The Impact of Cost Sharing for Mental Health Care on Health Care Use and Employment - 23 November 2017 - Bastian Ravesteijn (Harvard Medical School/Université Paris Descartes) - 12:00-13:00 - room H10-31
Title: The Impact of Cost Sharing for Mental Health Care on Health Care Use and Employment - 22 June 2017: Marianne Tenand (Paris School of Economics)
Title: Being dependent rather than handicapped in France: does the institutional barrier at age 60 affect care arrangements? - 20 June: Carlos Riumallo-Herl (Harvard School of Public Health)
Title: Pension fund choice, wealth and mortality: The fatal price of unlucky investment decisions - 8 June: Olivier l’Haridon (Université of Rennes)
Title: Measuring ambiguity preferences for health - 1 June: Iris Kesternich (KU Leuven)
Title: Early-life circumstances predict measures of trust among adults: Evidence from hunger episodes in Post-War Germany - 19 May: Raf van Gestel (University of Antwerp)
Title: A Reminder to Pay Less for Healthcare: Take-up of Increased Reimbursement in a Large-Scale Randomized Field Experiment - 18 May: Hannes Schwandt (University of Zurich)
Title: The Lasting Legacy of Seasonal Influenza: In-utero Exposure and Labor Market Outcomes - 9 May: Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert (Stanford School of Medicine)
Title: Nudges in Exercise Commitment Contracts: A Randomized Trial - 6 April: Alec Morton (University of Strathclyde)
Title: Allocation rules for global donors - 30 March: Martin Salm (University of Tilburg)
Title: Behavioral responses to patient co-payment schemes – does the framing of cost-sharing incentives matter? - 28 March: Ronelle Burger (Stellenbosch University)
Title: Negative household events and depressive symptoms: Evidence from South African longitudinal data - 16 March: Pieter van Baal (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Title: Distributional consequences of including survivor costs in economic evaluations - 16 February: Thomas Rouyard (Oxford University)
Title: Trade-off between behaviour change and health outcomes: an analysis under prospect theory - 26 January: Teresa Molina (University of South California)
Title: Pollution, Ability, and Gender-Specific Investment Responses to Shocks - 19 January: Sandy Tubeuf (University of Leeds)
Title: Pupil’s effort and educational inequality of opportunity, Evidence from Rural Bangladesh - 12 January: Yubraj Acharya (University of Michigan School of Public Health)
Title: Barriers to Inter-Ethnic Interactions in Healthcare: Evidence from a Field Experiment
- 15 December: Richard Peter (University of Iowa)
Title: Endogenous Information, Adverse Selection, and Prevention: Implications for Genetic Testing Policy" - 6 December: Joseph Newhouse (Harvard University)
Title: Competition among American health insurers in the individual market - 22 November: Yannan Hu (Erasmus Medical Center)
Title: Did the English strategy reduce inequalities in health? - 10 November: Zoe McLaren (University of Michigan)
Title: A New Econometric Method for Estimating Disease Prevalence: An Application to Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis - 03 November: Bernard van den Berg (University of Groningen)
Title: Wellbeing and the monetary value of a QALY - 20 October: Marjon van der Pol (University of Aberdeen)
Title: Can we improve the measurement of time preference to enhance predictive validity of health behaviours? - 13 October: Jan van Ours (Erasmus School of Economics)
Title: Tobacco control policies and the age of onset of smoking in Europe - 8 September: Pietro Biroli (University of Zurich)
Title: Genetic and Economic Interaction in Health Formation: The Case of Obesity - 27 June: Gaute Torsvik (University of Oslo)
Title: Gatekeeping versus monitoring: Evidence from a case with extended self-reporting of sickness absence - 16 June: Damien de Walque (World Bank)
Title: Measuring and incentivizing effort, quality of care and willingness to serve the poor: lab-in-the-field experiments and video-vignettes with health professionals in Burkina Faso - 2 June: Sara Ribeirinho Machado (LSE Health)
Title: Stability, cross validity, and external validity of risk preference measures: experimental evidence from a UK representative sample - 2 June: Ingrid Steenhuis (VU University Amsterdam)
Title: Portion size and Pricing: Interventions in the Obesogenic Food Environment - 18 May: Gil Shapira (World Bank)
Title: Evaluation of the Rwanda Community Performance-Based Financing Program: Supply- and Demand-Side Incentives to increase coverage of maternal and child health care - 18 May: Grant Miller (Stanford University)
Title: Population Policy, Fertility Decline, and Sex Selection: New Evidence from China under Mao - 21 April: Judit Vall (Pompeu Fabra University)
Title: What happens with the employment of disabled individuals when all financial disincentives to work are abolished? - 31 March: Igna Bonfrer (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health)
Title: Obama Care: The Effects of the Step-Wise Introduction of Pay-for-Performance - February 18: Tom McGuire (Harvard Medical School)
Title: Anticompetitive Effects of Brand-Generic Patent Settlements - February 15: Michael Lechner (University of St. Gallen)
Title: The effect of university sports and exercise on educational outcome: Evidence from an RCT in Switzerland - January 14: Timothy Powell-Jackson (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
Title: Cash Transfers, Maternal Depression and Subjective Well-being: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Indias Janani Suraksha Yojana programme
- November 20: Talya Miron-Shatz (Ono Academic College; Center for Medicine in the Public Interest)
Title: Medical Decision-Making: The Case of the Emotional Sound-Bites - October 29: Dennis Petrie (Melbourne School of Population and Global Health)
Title: When are Two Measures better than One? Dealing with Misclassification in Self-Reported Health - October 14: Thomas Buchmueller (University of Michigan's Ross School of Business)
Title: How Do Providers Respond to Changes in Public Health Insurance Coverage? Evidence from Adult Medicaid Dental Benefits - October 5: Eric French (University College London)
Title: Medicaid Insurance in Old Age - September 22: Koonal Shah (Office of Health Economics, London & Sheffield University)
Title: Valuing health at the end of life - September 21: Christopher Ruhm (University of Virginia)
Title: Health Effects of Economic Crises - September 14: Jonathan Kolstad (UC Berkeley)
Title: What Does a Deductible Do? The Impact of Cost-Sharing on Health Care Prices, Quantities, and Spending Dynamics - August 27: Denzil Fiebig (The University of New South Wales)
Title: Complexity and doctor choices when discussing contraceptives - June 23: Helena Hernández Pizarro (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Title: The Effects of Long-Term Benefits on Dependants’ Mortality - June 4: Fabrizio Mazzonna (Università della Svizzera italiana)
Title: Short-term effects of public smoking bans on health - May 7. Mehmet Kutluay (VU)
Title: Valuing malaria morbidity: Results from a global meta-analysis - March 31. Willem van der Deijl (EIPE)
Title: What constitutes well-being? Eight views on “a good life” of people from the Netherlands - March 24. Govern Bijwaard (NIDI)
Title: Intelligence as a mediator of the mortality difference by education - February 12. Hana Voňková (Charles University in Prague)
Title: Testing the assumptions of the anchoring vignette method - January 22. Martin Huber (University of Fribourg)
Title: A cautionary tale about control variables in IV estimation - With an application to health economics - January 14. Rudy Douven (CPB, ESHPM)
Title: Unintended effects of reimbursement schedules in mental health care
- January 14. Gijsbert Zwart (TILEC, Tilburg University, and CPB)
Title: Community rating in health insurance: can it be optimal? - January 28. Esther W. de Bekker-Grob (Erasmus MC)
Title: Discrete choice experiments in health care - February 18. Katharina Walliczek (University of Mannheim)
Title: Exploiting spatial and temporal variation in nutrition at birth, using data on infant mortality and famines: a study of long-run health effects - February 27. Michael Grimm (University of Passau)
Title: Does electrification affect fertility? Evidence from Indonesia - March 4. Natasha Wagner (International Institute for Social Studies)
Title: Do Health Reforms have Long-term Effects? Results for a Follow-up on a Randomized Policy Experiment in the Philippines - March 11. Pieter van Baal (ESHPM, Erasmus University)
Title: Forecasting educational differences in (disability free) life expectancy - March 18. Tommi Tervonen (Econometric Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Title: Multi-criteria decision analysis in health care: preference models and elicitation methods for benefit-risk assessment - March 25. Ramona Rischke (University of Goettingen)
Title: Supermarkets and the Nutrition Transition in Kenya - April 22. Niels Vermeer (CPB and Tilburg University)
Title: Demanding occupations and the retirement age in the Netherlands - May 20. Tobias Klein (Tilburg University)
Title: The effects of access to health insurance for informally employed individuals in Peru - June 17. Nicolas R. Ziebarth (Cornell University)
Title: Food Choices, Novelty Consumption and Obesity: Evidence from the East German Transition to Capitalism - September 1. Gordon Dahl (University of California, San Diego)
Title: Family Welfare Cultures - September 25. Hiroaki Matsuura (University of Oxford)
Title: The Role of a Constitutional Right to Health in Population Health: Evidence from 15 Latin American Countries - October 2. Paul Frijters (University of Queensland)
Title: Childhood determinants of adult mental health resilience - October 16. Holger Strulik (University of Goettingen)
Title: Paradigms and Predictions: Accumulation of Health Capital vs. Accumulation of Health Deficits - November 6: Peter Savelyev (Vanderbilt University)
Title: Understanding the Mechanisms Linking Personality and Education with Longevity - December 1. Gabriela Conti (University College London)
Title: The Health Effects of Early Childhood Interventions
- February 18. Helena Schmidt (Medical University of Graz)
Title: On the intersection of biology and economics: a focus on telomeres
March 5. Chiara Canta (CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain) - Title: Efficiency, access, and the mixed delivery of health care services
March 12. Miriam Wüst (SFI and Aarhus University) - Title: Can Caesarean section improve child and maternal health? The case of breech babies
March 19. Ursula Rochau (UMIT) - Title: Decision-analytic Modeling in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
April 2. Jacoline Bouvy (iMTA/ESHPM, EUR) - Title: The cost-effectiveness of Periodic Safety Update Reports (PSURs) for biologicals in Europe
- April 9. Leander Buisman (iMTA/ESHPM, EUR)
Title: Cost-effectiveness analyses of diagnostic tests at the early stages of development
April 23. Hitoshi Shigeoka (Simon Fraser University) - Title: School Cutoff Dates, and the Timing of Births
May 14. Supon Limwattananon (IHPP & Khon Kaen University) and Sven Neelsen (ESHPM) - Title: Consumption smoothing of health shocks under universal coverage
May 23. Mauricio Avendano (LSE) - Title: Economic cycles, unemployment and health: A cross-national study
June 18. Jonathan Windster (Vrije Universiteit) - Title: Docetaxel in the treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: observations in routine daily practice in the Netherlands
June 25. Nicolas Bouckaert (Center for Economic Studies, K.U. Leuven) - Title: Differing types of medical prevention appeal to different individuals
September 17. Christoph Kronenberg (Center for Health Economics, The University of York) - Title: Does relative position matter for mental health?
October 15. Wilbert B. van den Hout (Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum) - Title: The marginal utility of health: is health more important when you have less?
November 14. Marcos Vera Hernández (University College London) - Title: Food for Thought? Breastfeeding and Child Development