18 May 2016: Gil Shapira

Evaluation of the Rwanda Community Performance-Based Financing Program: Supply- and Demand-Side Incentives to increase coverage of maternal and child health care

Speaker(s): Gil Shapira

Date: Wednesday, 18 May, 2016

Time: 10.45-11.45

Venue: H12-30

Contact person(s): Teresa Bago d'Uva  



This study evaluates the impact of two interventions introduced as part of the Rwanda Community Performance-Based Financing to increase coverage of targeted maternal and child health services: rewards to cooperatives of community health workers and demand-side conditional in-kind transfers. The evaluation exploits experimental design with intervention randomly assigned at the sub-district level for a duration of two and a half years. The analysis indicates no impact of the incentives to cooperatives of community health workers. However, conditional in-kind demand-side incentives are shown to significantly increase take up of timely antenatal and postnatal consultations.

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