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Students from outside Erasmus School of Economics  who wish to study elective courses at our School , can choose either Bachelor-2 and/or Bachelor-3 courses. Per student, there is a maximum of 12 ECTS (credits) you can take as an elective. It is the student’s responsibility to have sufficient prior knowledge for taking this course and he/she is to have a letter in which his/her Examination Board confirms that this elective course can be incorporated in his/her bachelor curriculum.

However, the options for non-Dutch students are limited due to the exemptions.
For all students (Dutch and non-Dutch) it is not possible to:

  • Choose a bachelor-1 course
  • Choose courses which are part of the bachelor Fiscale Economie
  • Choose major seminars
  • Choose master courses
  • Choose master seminars

Academic system

Erasmus School of Economics uses blocks as the academic system, which means the academic year is divided into five blocks. Each block consists of eight weeks. The first seven weeks of the block are lectures and tutorials, in week number eight the examination takes place.

Each student is to be enrolled as an elective-student at Erasmus School of Economics at least one week prior the start of the relevant block in which your elective course is offered.

BlockStarts onDeadline to be enrolled
Block 1Monday, 2 September 202426 August 2024
Block 2Monday, 28 October 202421 October 2024
Block 3Monday, 6 January 202509 December 2024 (due to Christmas)
Block 4Monday, 3 March 202524 February 2025
Block 5Monday, 5 May 202521 April 2025

At all times it is the responsibility of the student to have completed his/her enrolment prior to the above mentioned deadline(s).

Electives for current Bachelor students from Erasmus School of Economics

Current fulltime Bachelor students at Erasmus School of Economics may find more information on choosing their electives at the website for Bachelor students

Students who study at another School than Erasmus School of Economics need to apply for elective courses via the following procedure:

  • Submit your electives application via the ‘Apply now’ button below.
  • After receipt of your application, Erasmus School of Economics will check within 5 working days whether you are allowed to take the course(s) you have chosen and whether or not you cross the maximum of 12 ECTS.
  • When the School approves your request for enrolment as an elective student, you will:
    • be subscribed for the course in OSIRIS, after which you will be able to access Canvas (course material) and the course will show in your TimeTable.
    • be subscribed for a tutorial group, which you will see in your TimeTable
    • be registered for the exam and re-sit exam

  • Register in Studielink for the following programme: Externe keuzevakken Bachelor ESE (Dutch language option in studielink) or Elective bachelor ESE (English language option in studielink)
  • You will receive an ERNA account via email
  • Log in with your ERNA account in OSIRIS Student to submit your application for your elective courses. Please note you can only take up to 12 credits as an elective student.
  • After submitting your electives application, send a copy of your proof of paid tuition fee (bewijs betaald college geld) to team Enrolment, Deregistration & Funding:

Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Team In- Uitschrijven & Bekostiging (IU&B)
Antwoordnummer 2791
3000 VB Rotterdam

  • Submit a passport photo of yourself via the link that you receive via email in order to receive a student card
  • Erasmus School of Economics will review your application for the elective courses. You will be informed via the Erasmus University email address about the outcome of your application
  • If you are allowed to follow the requested elective courses you will be:
    • Subscribed to the course in OSIRIS after which you will be able to access Canvas (course material) and the course will show in your TimeTable
    • Subscribed to a tutorial group, which you will see in your TimeTable
    • Registered for the exam and re-sit exam

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  • @title

    • Duration: @duration
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