Erasmus School of Economics applies a number of important regulations:
Erasmus School of Economics Management Instructions
The School Management Instructions are set up by the Executive Board and describes how the School organises the various managerial sub-tasks and the power of the dean and his/her authorised assistant managers.
The School Regulations
The School Regulations deal with the specific tasks of the dean and the assistant managers. These regulations also cover the rules about planning, budgeting and accounting, and they deal with the tasks and powers of the School Council and other advisory bodies in the school. An appendix to the regulations also describes the individual complaint regulation.
Rules of Procedure
The Rules of Procedure deal with the exercise of and procedures for the powers of the School's Council. It governs such matters as preparations for meetings, the rules during meetings, deliberation, decisions and minutes.
The Election Regulation of the Erasmus School of Economics Council
The Election Regulation of the School Council is an appendix to the School Regulations, but it is a seperate document.
The Complaints Regulations of Erasmus School of Economics
The Complaints Regulations of Erasmus School of Economics is an appendix to the School Regulations, but it is a separate document.
Please also note the Erasmus University Rotterdam page about unwanted conduct and the Complaints regulation Undesirable Behaviour:
Allocation of board months to study associations
Integrity Code
Since 2002 the Integrity Code applies within Erasmus University of Rotterdam. This Code states that everyone within the EUR-community (students, directors, support staff and scientific staff) should act with dignity, and take responsibility for spreading these values in their near surroundings. Professionalism, teamwork and fair play are core values which are meant to guide behaviour of both staff and students.The integrity code enables us to point out responsibilities towards each other. Furthermore, integrity is a recurring subject on annual job-evaluations.
- EUR Integrity Code (pdf)
Privacy Statement Erasmus School of Economics
Erasmus School of Economics adheres to the Privacy Statement of Erasmus University Rotterdam:
Authorisation for signing agreements
Within EUR and Erasmus School of Economics certain procedures are applicable when signing of agreements etc. A FLAT-check has always to be carried out (FLAT stands for Finance, Legal, Audit and Tax).
Ius promovendi to associate professors
In 2017 the EUR Doctorate Board has discussed a procedure to grant ius promovendi to associate professors, compliant to the possibilities offered by the Higher Education Act (WHW) and the 'VSNU guidelines on granting ius promovendi to associate professors'. Erasmus School of Economics concurs with the EUR policy in granting ius promovendi to associate professors, nevertheless pursues a restrictive policy.
Blended working within our School
Guidelines for activities of a social nature
- Guidelines for activities of a social nature (pdf)
- Financiele bijdragen van de faculteit aan sociale activiteiten (pdf)