Translation services: translation agency Acolad Netherlands BV.
As of 1 September 2022, EUR has entered into a framework agreement with Acolad Netherlands BV. You must use the services of Acolad Netherlands BV. It is no longer permitted to use the services of BTS.
The services include translating, revising and reviewing texts, with the exception of scientific texts, to and from English and apply to all organisational units of EUR, with the exception of EUR Holding BV and operating companies, RSM BV, Erasmus Enterprise BV, Erasmus Sport and student organisations.
Please note
- Copywriting and interpretation services fall outside the scope of the framework agreement.
- Translation, editing and review assignments from (or in languages other than) English can be assigned to Acolad Netherlands BV, but this is not mandatory.
All information about the services of Acolad Netherlands B.V. can be found in the manual below.
To request a quote, you need to use Proactis. Each organisational unit has a number of order takers. Check who the order takers are within your organisation.
Do you not yet have ordering rights in Proactis and need them? You can request these from your section controller.