From 1 January 2018, new framework agreements apply for Design and DTP. The selected agencies are KrisKras, PanArt and Ontwerpwerk.
Placing orders
Preferred supplier
Do you work according to a preferred supplier-agreement? You can directly assign your design or DTP-tasks to this design agency. Not sure whether your organisational unit or faculty makes use of a preferred supplier agreement? Contact the house style coordinator.
If your organisational unit does not use cooperate with one preferred supplier, all design agencies should be notified of each new assignment. This offers each of the three design agencies the opportunity to submit a quote and enables you to compare the different offers you receive. Each mini-competition you run helps you decide whom you assign each task.
Professional Services holds responsibility for the framework agreements. Marcel Latupeirissa is leadbuyer. If the cooperation with the three design agencies induces any questions, comments or complaints, you may contact him. Send all your questions to:
In 2022, these are the design agencies of Erasmus University Rotterdam. A new tender will be launched this year, as soon as the tendered parties are known, it will be updated on this page.
Step 1 – As ordering party, you place a request for a ‘Further Quotation’ with all Framework Contractors by providing a ‘Further Quotation Request’. Through Professional Services' Leadbuyer, (see contact details), the applicable framework conditions and rates within the Framework Agreement can be requested.
Step 2 – The Framework Contractors should provide a Further Offer within the stipulated timeframe based on the Framework Agreement and the description from Further Offer Request.
Step 3 – The bids received are then assessed for price and quality, where an explanatory interview by the best scoring supplier(s) may be inserted.
Step 4 – After a final award of the contract has taken place, inform the other Framework Contractors.
Based on the mini-competition, you can enter into a long-term preferred suppliership with the chosen agency. Communicate this clearly in the call for tenders.
The following materials are part of the agreement:
- Brochures
- Reports
- Leaflets
- Cards
- Invitations
- Banners
- Stand materials
- Other materials
- Design of gadgets (if not performed by the supplier of the gadgets)
- House style application
- House style monitoring
- Printing support
- Renewal of mailings/newsletters
You can ask the house style coordinator of your unit.
From 1 January all Design and DTP are categorized within one plot. We have the opportunity to work with three different design agencies. The working method remains the same, which means that for each assignment, offers should be requested at all three suppliers. Unless an organisational unit/faculty has decided to work with a preferred supplier.
Select the name of each agency for further contact details.
Leon Oosterwijk, project manager
+31 30 239 17 00
Lucas Bolwerk 17
3512 EH Utrecht
Postal address
P.O. Box 662
3500 AR Utrecht
Evelien Valk – project manager
Dorien Muller
Prinsestraat 37
2513 CA Den Haag
Postal address
P.O. Box 45
2501 CA Den Haag
Kim van der Meij
+31 070 313 20 20
Prinsestraat 37
2513 CA Den Haag
Postal address
P.O. Box 45
2501 CA Den Haag
Saskia Maas
(010) 506 7202
Joy Kleinjan
(010) 506 7202
Ambachtsweg 8c
3161 GL Rhoon
Postbus 899
3160 AB Rhoon