The MAGPIE Project is an international initiative working to demonstrate cutting edge technical and non-tech solutions to stimulate green, smart and integrated multimodal transport and the European Green Port of the Future.
As part of MAGPIE’s Work Package 7, Erasmus UPT has partnered with 11 organizations to develop 8 non-tech innovations to accelerate the implementation of zero-emission technological and logistical solutions at European ports.
Deliverable 7.1 establishes the innovation barriers that limit the capacity of the transport sector to innovate and implement green technologies. The research limited its scope to assess innovation barriers experienced by stakeholders across road, rail, inland and seagoing transport, where these modalities share interfaces with the port context.
Among the most prominent barriers is a lack of business case for commercial actors to invest in emission reduction technology. However, the main result of the research is that innovation barriers not isolated from one another. In fact, report D7.1 has come to understand the economic barriers to innovation as the sum of most barriers identified in the research.

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