Collaborating on maritime education in India

Larissa van der Lugt signs the letter of intent for collaboration in maritime education
His Majesty Willem Alexander and queen Maximá oversee the signing of the letter of intent.

With her signature Larissa van der Lugt, director of Erasmus Centre for Urban Port & Transport Economics (Erasmus UPT, created a starting point for inter cultural maritime education. Participants are: STC International and Erasmus Centre for Urban Port & Transport Economics (Erasmus UPT), Indian Maritime University and the Indian Ports Association.

Larissa van der Lugt: "At the 3rd Indo-Dutch Port-led Development Forum port logistics and maritime education was one of the main themes. At the forum in Mumbai we presented our views and ambitions on connecting knowledge from Rotterdam Maritime Capital with the maritime ecosystems of India. It was an honour and privilige that our Knowledge-to-Knowledge partnership with our Indian partners was signed under the attending eyes of His Majesty King Willem-Alexander and Her Majesty Queen Maximá. In forthcoming weeks, we’ll work out a collaborative action plan and also seek contributions from the maritime communities on both ends."

More information

For more information on the intended collaboration, please contact Larissa van der Lugt or Maurice Jansen from Erasmus Centre for Urban, Port and Transport Economics (Erasmus UPT).

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