
28 search results for hora finita in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam.


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  • Admission requirements
    Which admission requirements must you meet in order to defend a PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam?
  • The day of the PhD defence
    All you need to know about the day of your PhD defence: dress code, venue, PhD defence session and more.
  • How to become a PhD at EUR
    In the past century, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) has developed into an inspiring place where talented researchers from the Netherlands and abroad haveā€¦
  • Preparing for the ceremony
    A lot of preparation goes into the ceremony of your PhD Defence. Read how you can arrange the catering, how to get audiovisual support or how to reach out to the
  • Preparation for the defence ceremony
    Information for PhD candidates in order to prepare for their PhD defence ceremony: information sessions, media, reception and more.
  • The day of your PhD Defence
    The day has finally come: you get to defend your PhD thesis. Read what the day of your defence will look like.
  • dr. (Marine) MFM Hainguerlot
    I use behavioral experiments, surveys, and computational models to study people's beliefs. I am interested in both beliefs about ourselves and beliefs about theā€¦
  • Being a beadle is more than ringing the staff: ā€œBut secretly I think that's the best momentā€
    In September Larisa Leerkamp will be beadle at our university for two years. A beadle ensures that everything related to academic ceremonies runs smoothly.

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