
28 search results for hora finita in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam.


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  • Beadle's Office
    The Beadle’s Office organises academic ceremonies such as PhD defence ceremonies, inaugural speeches, Dies Natalis and more.
  • Doctoral regulations
    Are you starting a PhD project at Erasmus University Rotterdam or Erasmus MC? Read our doctoral regulations.
  • Inge Hutter
    The University of Groningen has been working with this system since 2013. At that time I was the Dean in Groningen. Hora Finita is a relief for everyone who is…
  • PhD Dissertation
    Read how you should submit your PhD thesis, before you can defend your dissertation at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • Thesis
    Find out which requirements a PhD thesis has to meet before printing or to be submitted digitally to the EUR Library.
  • Doctoral Regulations
    Read everything about Taking a doctor's degree in the doctoral regulations of Erasmus University Rotterdam and apply.
  • Academic rituals
    Which attributes play a role in university decorum? For example in official events such as the the Dies Natalis, speeches, defence ceremonies etc.
  • PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam
    Existing for over more than a century, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) has developed into an inspiring place where talented researchers from the Netherlands…
  • PhD defence ceremonies
    Information for PhD candidates about defending their PhD thesis at Erasmus University Rotterdam: admission requirements, procedure, defence ceremony and more.
  • Practical information about doing a PhD at EUR
    Are you interested in obtaining a PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam? Read more about our admission requirements, the PhD track and our regulations.

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