These website pages are intended to familiarise PhD candidates with everything they need to know about defending their PhD thesis at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
You will find information about the admission requirements, the PhD defence procedure, the thesis, preparations for the defence ceremony and the day of the PhD defence. If you have any questions you can contact the Beadle’s Office.
Are you not a PhD candidate yet, but considering to pursue a PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam? Read more about our vacancies and facilities for PhD students.
Press attention for your PhD thesis?
Contact the Beadle's Office
- Email address
- Phone
- +31 (0)10 408 1006
- Room
- Room A1-05 (near the Senaatszaal)
- Space
- Erasmus Gebouw
Visiting address: Woudestein - room A1-05 (near the Senaatszaal)
Visiting times: Monday through Friday between 9.30 hrs and 13.00 hrs (or by appointment)
Hora Finita
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