Health and wellbeing are the pillars on which our lives rest on. They are of immense importance, and it concerns every member of society. The definition of 'Wellbeing' means viewing it as not merely an absence of physical and mental illness. Instead, it means a state of physical, emotional and mental health where individuals can engage meaningfully in their learning or work and be able to contribute to the wider community. Here, you can find an overview of all the researchers at the Erasmus University Rotterdam who conduct academic research relating to Health and Wellbeing.
Erasmus MC
- Dr. J.V. (Jasper) Been
Pediatrician-neonatologist, Erasmus MC
- Prof. dr. E.A.P. (Eric) Steegers
Gynecologist, head Obstetrics and Gynecology, Erasmus MC
- Prof. dr. J.P. (Johan) Mackenbach
Chair of the Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC
- Prof.dr. M. (Myriam) Hunink
Professor of clinical epidemiology and radiology, Erasmus MC
- Prof. dr. V.W.V. (Vincent) Jaddoe
Pediatrician, Erasmus MC