prof.dr. JLW (Hans) van Kippersluis


Hans van Kippersluis is a Professor of Applied Economics. He has used both theoretical and empirical approaches to study topics in health and human capital formation: (i) how do different components of human capital (e.g., education, health) relate to each other and interact with each other (e.g., why are higher educated individuals healthier than lower educated? Why do rich people smoke less?); (ii) What are the genetic and environmental determinants of education and health?, and (iii) What is the effect of public policies on education and health? Current projects include investigating the interplay between genes and the environment in producing inequalities in education and health outcomes, developing and testing incentives to encourage healthy behavior, and investigating the impact of public policies on health, education and labor supply decisions.

Erasmus School of Economics

Full professor | Health Economics


  • Hans van Kippersluis (27 July 2021) - -Erasmus University Rotterdam: Prevention 2040: A social shift if healthcare providers are still rewarded for treating patients?

University of Southern California

Start date approval
September 2024
End date approval
August 2027
Consultancy on research R01 grant Barcellos

Health Economics

Course Code

Master's Thesis Health Economics

Course Code

Impact Evaluation

Course Code

  • Dilnoza Muslimova

    Gene-Environment Interplay in the Generation of Health and Education Inequalities
  • Diarmaid O'Ceallaigh

    Designing sustainable incentives to encourage prevention and health behavior
  • Joaquim Vidiella Martin

    "Unravelling Perinatal Health Inequalities in the Netherlands”
  • Eric Slob

    Integrating Genetics into Economics
  • Tilbe Atav

    Genes, Policy and Social Inequality
  • Merel van Hulsen

    Wait for Others? Social and Intertemporal Preferences in Allocation of Healthcare Resources

News regarding prof.dr. JLW (Hans) van Kippersluis

Bridging disciplines to tackle health challenges

An interview with Hans van Kippersluis on the Erasmus Initiative Smarter Choices for Better Health.
Hans van Kipperluis

Inequalities in the contemporary society

Hans van Kippersluis, Professor of Applied Economics at Erasmus School of Economics, was asked for his expertise on a podcast by ESB.

“The future of health economics at EUR looks bright"

Symposium 'Health Economics: what's next?' is about Eddy Van Doorslaer's legacy and the future of health economics.
Eddy van Doorslaer delivers his Valedictory Lecture

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