Searching for literature

When searching for literature within a specific discipline, you can use the following tools:

Scopus is a multidisciplinary abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature (journals and books), created by Elsevier. For records from 1970 the references are included, which gives the opportunity to follow citation relations between publications.

Web of Science (WoS) is a multidisciplinary abstract and citation database, offering bibliographical access to scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, starting in 1975, published by Clarivate Analytics.

The guides by discipline give an overview of discipline specific databases and other sources. These guides are created by the Erasmus University Library. 

Google Scholar is the search engine for scholarly information. It’s especially useful when you are looking for a specific article.

The online module 'Get the most out of Google Scholar' offers tips to link Google Scholar with the subscriptions of Erasmus University Rotterdam and with the reference manager RefWorks.

Go to Google Scholar

When you are looking for a specific book or access to a particular online journal, you can use the following tool:

sEURch is the search engine of the University Library. 

Need help in your search for literature?

The faculty liaisons of the University Library can help you searching for literature, for example by giving advice on which databases to use or the search syntax. Check to find the faculty liaison for your faculty or discipline.


Online modules to improve your information skills:

  • RefWorks is an online reference manager. It helps you to capture, manage, save and share references in your own personal database. The monthly workshop offers a basic introduction. 
  • The information skills team of the University Library has designed a broad portfolio of e-modules related to the effective and responsible use of scholarly literature & data. Topics include: doing your literature review, publishing, measuring impact and profiling (author ID’s).

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