My Beverwaard

Together with the neighbourhood, we seek solutions to the biggest challenges in Beverwaard.
Mijn Beverwaard

We are investigating the primary core issues in Beverwaard and potential solutions. In discussions with residents and local organisations, three themes consistently emerge: 1) poverty and debt, 2) crime and nuisance, and 3) misuse of public spaces. A common thread in all these issues is the residents' lack of trust in local authorities to address these problems.

How Are We Conducting the Research?

This research is conducted for and with the residents. Without a predetermined research question, we began by getting to know the residents and organisations in the neighbourhood, asking about their experiences and perceptions. We engage in weekly conversations, with residents guiding the research and assisting in tasks like recruiting respondents and organising community meetings. Reciprocity is essential; we don't just collect data, but aim for the neighbourhood to benefit from the findings, leading to positive changes.

How Does Our Research Make an Impact?

In the next phase of this research, we will focus on one of the three major challenges in the neighbourhood. Together with residents and professionals from Beverwaard, we will address safety issues, particularly the relational challenges: residents have little trust in and experience poor responsiveness from local authorities such as the police, community officers, and the council. We will write a recommendation report for the council and explore how residents and professionals can help resolve this core issue.

Research Team

  • Warda Belabas
    Warda Belabas
    Lead Researcher
  • Wesley Hennep
    Wesley Hennep
    Research assistant
  • Britt Boeddha van Dongen
    Project Leader, Researcher, and Communications Advisor
  • Renso Community researcher
    Renso Borrebach
    Community Researcher


Vital Cities and Citizens and Resilient Delta Initiative (RDI)


The My Beverwaard project is a pilot of WijkWijs.

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