Young Erasmus Academy (YEA) is a diverse group of talented young scholars from various scientific disciplines representing all schools of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, including the Erasmus Medical Centre. YEA members proactively contribute to the development and dissemination of ideas about research, education, impact, and university policies from the perspective of early- and mid-career academics.
The group serves as a platform to discuss the future directions of the university and develop related solicited (reactive) and unsolicited (proactive) advice and position statements, addressed to the Executive Board of the EUR and other relevant fora.
YEA has four main goals, similar to other young academies:
- Strengthening interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, within the Erasmus University Rotterdam and with national and international partners.
- Enhancing positive social and scientific impact, specifically in the Rotterdam region.
- Advising the EUR Executive Board on matters relating to the academic and research policy.
Currently, YEA focuses on three key themes:
- Improve the visibility and impact of YEA within and outside EUR.
- Contribute to the implementation of recognition and rewards within EUR, in collaboration with the core team of the R&R program at EUR.
- Enhance sustainability and future-proof status of EUR.

Membership of YEA
YEA was founded in 2013. Membership of YEA is for a period of five years, which commences at the start of a new calendar year. Members have a position at Erasmus University Rotterdam and must have earned their doctorate within the past 10 calendar years upon joining YEA. During a calendar year there can be a maximum of 25 YEA-members simultaneously. Candidates are nominated by the Deans and appointment is based on a selection procedure in collaboration between the YEA chair(s) and the Rector Magnificus.
YEA organizes regular meetings with its members, separate workgroup meetings to work on the 3 themes, and -when relevant- specific thematic meetings. YEA also has biennial meetings with the Rector Magnificus, and attends regular meetings with the other young academies in the Netherlands and the national Jonge Akademie.