Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity

The Erasmus Initiative ‘Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity’ focuses on enabling as many people as possible to benefit from increasing prosperity, whilst minimising the negative consequences. Increased prosperity requires constant coordination of the changing needs and values of governments, businesses, citizens and entrepreneurs. In order to chart this dynamic field, scholars from Erasmus School of Law, Rotterdam School of Management and the Erasmus School of Philosophy entered into a multidisciplinary partnership.


From Theory to Impact: How our Research Group Turned Knowledge into a Sustainable and Inclusive Business

How a group of researchers created impact by starting their own company.
Shelf with plants

On the fall of the ancient Roman Republic and the rise of modern Neros

In his latest blogpost Martin de Jong talks about the parallels between Ancient Rome and our modern society, and what this means for our future.
A wolf promising a herd of sheep he will become vegetarian after being elected

Embracing diversity in economic thought for inclusive prosperity

On June 10th the Erasmus Initiative Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity organised an event on the Frontiers in alternative economics.
Panel discussion during the alternative economics event

Sustainability Renaissance: embracing strong sustainability in the 21st century and leaving the weak sustainability in the past.

We are currently living in a world of weak sustainability. But shouldn't we move on to a world in which strong sustainability dominates?
Outstretched hand holding a pile of soil with a flower.

Embodied GHGs in the Built Environment: Navigating the Ripple Effect of EU PFAS Regulation

A blogpost by Abby Muricho Onencan on the hidden dangers of PFAS in the construction industry.
Two factory chimneys.

We are the world, we are the bubble

Martin de Jong on the results of the recent Dutch election.

A reflection on “stop fossil subsidies” – and the urgent need for reform of corporate law

Roy Heesakkers recommends five changes to reform Dutch corporate law.

From dysfunctional h-score fetishism towards M-type academia: A pamphlet

Martin de Jong reflects on the obsession with academic metrics and the disparity between "higher" and "lower" education.
Stressed researcher looking at a laptop

Hikikomori, N-po and lying flat - Snapping in East Asia

Zhaowen Liu provides insight into how East Asians are reacting to to the pressure they are experiencing: the Asian equivalent to snapping.
Person looking at a phone

On the origin of snapping and the damage that performance standards do

In our latest blogpost Martin de Jong discusses some of the reasons that might lie behind 'snapping'.
Parking sign in New Orleans with sticker saying Socialism sucks

The Erasmus Initiative “Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity” (DoIP) develops understanding of inclusive prosperity, and exposes its drivers. It also shows how this knowledge can be used to effectively address contemporary societal challenges in the Netherlands and elsewhere. DoIP brings together scholars in law, business and philosophy. This combination of academic expertise puts it in an excellent position to study how in a context that is “oriented” by different layers of legislation and (self) regulation, public and private sector actors can interact to leverage inclusive prosperity. How are the benefits of activities distributed and how are the interests of all stakeholders protected? Through which mechanisms and legal institutions is inclusion promoted? What are the epistemologies of injustice and hurdles to transformative change? The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) play an important role in the assessment of current situations and contemplation of possible improvements.


Inclusive Prosperity is a broad topic. DoIP’s activities focus on the following three themes.

Leveraging Inclusive Cities

For centuries cities have had the potential to provide opportunities for a better life. Often, they are the focal points for economic, social, intellectual and political activities. However, increasing urbanization typically goes hand in hand with rising inequality and exclusion and this is a challenge for cities in both the Global North and South. What can be done at the municipal level to reduce poverty and inequality, raise participation in education, reduce crime and insecurity and increase employment? The typical external partner in our project under this theme will be the City of Rotterdam, including collaboration with the port authority. Also, collaboration with other cities, both nearby (The Hague) and far away (especially in China) are foreseen. While work in this area primarily takes the perspective of possible interventions by the public sector, it will also study how private actors and for-profit initiatives can contribute to improvements. Clearly, this theme has a strong link to the topics covered by the Erasmus Initiative “Vital Cities and Citizens”.

Sustainability and Ecological Inclusion

Ecological trade-offs can have significant effects on inclusion (or exclusion) through activities that, at least at first glance, quite clearly lead to more prosperity. Industrial agriculture, fishery and forestry, mineral mining and petrochemical industry are commonly seen to contribute to economic prosperity and are therefore protected by strong legal frameworks, despite degrading the environment at the local and global level. Obvious gains from industrial activities and global supply chains are accompanied by substantial and sometimes dramatic losses for widespread communities. What is needed to create outcomes that are socially more fair and ecologically sustainable? How can global supply chains be transformed so that the benefits are fairly shared and the environment is respected? In this context, there is also a connection to the Erasmus Initiative “Smarter Choices for Better Health”, especially their work on population health and health equity.

Inclusive Financial Systems

In our complex society the availability of a sophisticated financial system is indispensable. Much of our innovation and development would be impossible without a system that efficiently distributes the financing and allows for risk sharing. However, financial markets are also considered by some as culprit of much inequality and many argue that both academic research in finance and actual industry practices have to change drastically if finance is to play a more positive role in society. Is the current financial system helping or does it widen the gap between the rich and the poor? How should finance research and industry practice change to stimulate sustainable investments, corporate social responsibility, or universal access to financial services? How can current and new socio-legal institutions of finance re-orient and regulate investment practices to stimulate inclusive prosperity?

Challenge Accepted - Fostering inclusive prosperity

Fostering inclusive prosperity.

The Science and Politics of Glyphosate

Impression of the Workshop

The Science and Politics of Glyphosate.

International Conference Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity

International Conference Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity.

Mission Statement Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity

"To bring common sense concepts back in to academia from across a variety of disciplines, to secure the social and environmental inclusiveness of prosperity creation. And to generate scientific and societal impact with these concepts and conceptual insights."

- Professor Martin de Jong, Scientific director of the Erasmus Research Initiative ‘Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity’.

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