
The Erasmus statue on campus.
  • Jeroen Temperman

    Jeroen Temperman is associate professor of public international law at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is also the editor-in-chief of Religion & Human Rights. His research is focused on freedom of religion or belief, the right to education, freedom of expression and extreme speech, religion–state relationships, and equality. His book Religious Hatred and International Law was published in 2015 by Cambridge University Press, as part of the Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law (prefaced by Heiner Bielefeldt, UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief). Among other books, he has authored State–Religion Relationships and Human Rights Law (2010) and edited The Lautsi Papers: Multidisciplinary Reflections on Religious Symbols in the Public School Classroom (2012). Key publications further include articles published in Human Rights Quarterly, Oxford Journal on Law and Religion, Netherlands Quarterly on Human Rights, and Annuaire Droit et Religion. In 2014 he was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship, facilitating a visiting professorship at American University Washington College of Law.

    Project: Regulatory Depoliticization

    Foto van Jeroen Temperman
  • Alessandra Arcuri

    Alessandra Arcuri is Associate Professor at the Department of International and European Union Law, Erasmus School of Law. Dr. Arcuri has held prestigious positions in various international academic institutions, including the European University Institute (Jean Monnet Fellow), New York University (Hauser Global Research Fellow), Hamburg University (Marie Curie). Her research focuses on the global governance of risks and the intersection with the regime of international economic law and on the emergence of global technocracy. She has published extensively in the field of risk law, international economic law and law and economics. Dr. Arcuri is the coordinator of LL.M. Programme in International and European Public Law at the Erasmus School of Law. Besides teaching regularly at the Erasmus School of Law, she has taught courses in several universities, including at the Department of Law of the European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy, at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University, Sweden, at the African Universities in Lomè, Togo, at the Luiss Guido Carli University, Rome, and at the University of Siena, Italy. Dr. Arcuri holds a law degree from La Sapienza University, Rome (cum laude), an LL.M. from Utrecht University (Honourable mention) and a Ph.D. from the Erasmus School of Law (Governing the risks of ultra-hazardous activities: challenges for contemporary legal systems).

    Project: Regulatory Depoliticization

    Alessandra Arcuri
    Prof. Alessandra Arcuri
  • Jiska Engelbert

    Jiska Engelbert is a media and communication researcher who is interested in the discourse of politics and the politics of discourse. She earned her PhD from Aberystwyth University (UK) in 2009, which explores how the parliamentary ‘New’ Labour Party and its members together legitimized the party’s new political course (first publication in CADAAD). In 2010, she and Patrick McCurdy (U of Ottawa) researched how the British public service broadcaster, the BBC, discursively deals with tensions between journalistic principles and its increased ‘public value’ requirements (publications in Critical Discourse StudiesMedia, War & Conflict, and Observatorio). In 2011, she participated in a project with Jacob Groshek (U of Melbourne) on mediated self-representation of populists in the United States and the Netherlands (publications forthcoming in New Media & Society and Wiley-Blackwell’s Handbook of Public Diplomacy).

    Her current research project, together with Isabel Awad, explores how developments in national (immigration) politics impact the discourse of cultural diversity in the context of public service broadcasting (first publication forthcoming in Intellect’s National Conversations). Two new research projects focus on: (1) media audiences’ display of political knowledge and (2) on motherhood, capital and contemporary femininities (the latter with Anne Kuppens). Jiska’s teaching focuses on the intersection between media and society, with particular emphases on (critical) discourse analysis and on how television features in contemporary social life.

    Project: Smart Imaginaries

    Roy Borghouts
  • David van Putten

    David van Putten is a PhD student working on the EIPK theme of the 'politics of debt'. His interest is in how financial and moral relations of debt come together and how processes of financialisation have managed to become invested with moral significance. He has in the past worked on the philosophy of big data in the SoBigData project.  His background is in philosophy, with a focus on continental philosophy and political philosophy.

    Project: The Politics of Debt

    Joia de Jong
  • Yogi Hale Hendlin

    Yogi Hale Hendlin is an Assistant Professor in the Erasmus School of Philosophy and core faculty of the Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity initiative at Erasmus University Rotterdam, as well as an Associate Researcher in the Environmental Health Initiative at the University of California at San Francisco. At UCSF Hendlin conducted research through the renowned Industry Documents online library (, lately focusing on the the Glyphosate and Fossil Fuel documents archives. Hendlin is an environmental philosopher and public health scientist publishing in journals such as Annals of Internal Medicine, Plos Medicine, American Journal of Public Health, Ambio, Environmental Ethics, Tobacco Control, and Local Environment. Hendlin’s work has been picked up by Reuters, BMJ, Salon, Business Insider, and other news outlets, and he has written for the popular science blogs Nautilus, The Philosophical Salon, and The Conversation. Currently, Hendlin is writing a monograph entitled Industrial Epidemics: Chronic Disease and the Corporate Determinants of Health.

  • Jess Bier

    Jess Bier is a writer and social theorist. She is an assistant professor of urban sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, where she researches the social and political geographies of science and technology. She is the author of Mapping Israel, Mapping Palestine: How Occupied Landscapes Shape Scientific Knowledge (MIT Press, 2017). Her work has appeared in Public Culture; Social Studies of Science; Big Data and Society; Engaging Science and Technology Studies; Information, Communication, and Society; Geoforum; e-Flux and Aeon, among others. She received her Ph.D. in science and technology studies (STS) from Maastricht University (2014), where her work was awarded the university dissertation prize and the PhD paper prize of the Middle East Section of the American Anthropological Association. She writes about the social justice implications of the spread of technology in fields like digital infrastructure; computer mapping and modeling; algorithms and automation; logistics and shipping; and disaster recovery.   

  • Rogier van Reekum

    Rogier van Reekum is an assistant professor at the department of Public Administration and Sociology of Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is currently working on refugee settlement and issue formation. Rogier’s work revolves around public issues, controversy, borders, difference, knowledge and dignity. He is interested in research as means to generate problems, contribute to public formation and engage in conceptual imagination. Rogier has published on border visuality, nationalism, place making, citizenship & migration politics, immigration policy and education.

  • Jamie van der Klaauw

    Jamie van der Klaauw is Ph.D. candidate at the Erasmus School of Philosophy, focusing on political philosophy and its history in close connection to social and cultural theory. His PhD centers on a symbolic reinterpretation of political representation thinking it through to its radical end in articulation, expression, and signification. In addition to this monograph, he works and publishes on a variety of subjects, ranging from local municipal politics, lost figures of social thought, film, and conspiracy theory. He is also co-founder and co-organizer of the Desire + Capital working group.

  • Ryan Kopaitich

    Ryan Kopaitich is a postdoctoral fellow at Erasmus School of Philosophy with a Ph.D. from the University of Bern, Switzerland specializing in political theory, philosophy of language, and literature. He is also co-founder and co-organizer of the Desire + Capital working group.

  • Sonia de Jager

    Sonia de Jager is a PhD student who writes about language modelling and modulating, and philosophies of language (learning) as tempered by predictive processing proposals. De Jager also runs the Regenerative Feedback series and is part of the Noise Research Union (N.R.U.). More information can be found at

  • Christoph Brunner

    Christoph Brunner is Assistant Professor for Philosophy of Media and Technology at the Erasmus School of Philosophy. His work deals with affective politics in contemporary media ecologies, decolonial aesthetics, and technopolitics of care in social movements. Drawing on both artistic and activist practices his research concerns the formation of emergent collectivity and solidarity with and through mediated ways of sense-making.

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