Researcher profiles

  • dr. (Violet) V Petit - Steeghs

    dr. (Violet) V Petit - Steeghs
  • dr. (Paraskevas) P Petrou

    job crafting, self-regulation, creativity, leisure behavior, organizational change
    dr. (Paraskevas) P Petrou
  • (Daniel) D Petrovics, MSc

    Daniel Petrovics is an early stage researcher with experience in sustainability consulting. He holds a MSc degree in International Development Studies and an…
    (Daniel) D Petrovics, MSc
  • (Anna) AA Petruchenya

    Prior to joining EUC, Anna did her PhD at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Her research interest is in the field of economics of…
    (Anna) AA Petruchenya
  • (Stella) SM Pfisterer, MSc

    Stella Pfisterer is research associate at the Department of Business-Society Management, Rotterdam School of Management at the Erasmus University, and…
    (Stella) SM Pfisterer, MSc
  • (Tham) NT Pham

    (Tham) NT Pham
  • (Man) NM Pham, MA

    (Man) NM Pham, MA
  • (Nam) NK Pham

    (Nam) NK Pham
  • (Vinh) V Phan

    (Vinh) V Phan
  • prof.dr. (Niels) NJ Philipsen

    Niels Philipsen studied Economics (with a specialization in competition policy) at Maastricht University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree on the thesis “Regulation…
    prof.dr. (Niels) NJ Philipsen

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