Erasmus University Rotterdam in top 3 most sustainable higher education institutions in the Netherlands

Zomer Woudestein
A man is giving a presentation about nature among the greenery.

Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) has reached the podium of the SustainaBul: in 2024, our university has risen to third place of all institutions and is number 2 among universities. Last year, we ranked fourteenth. In particular, our university has made a lot of progress particularly in terms of sustainability in research and operations. The SustainaBul is an annual ranking in which Dutch higher education institutions are assessed on sustainability.

'This third place of all institutions in the Netherlands is a great recognition of our efforts in sustainability. We have made great strides in recent years but are still far from achieving this. This award is an extra incentive to continue along the path we have taken,' said Ellen van Schoten, vice-president of the Executive Board.

Portretfoto van Ellen van Schoten van het College van Bestuur.

EUR is the first higher education institution to score the maximum points in terms of measures to make the canteen more sustainable because of its commitment to a vegan campus by 2030. It also highlights that our university is one of the leaders in terms of the long-term vision to reduce our ecological footprint, as we strive to have a positive impact on the climate.

The SustainaBul also looks at sustainability in education and research. There, it cites as an example the online toolbox on intranet MyEUR, where examples and guides can be found to give research as much social impact as possible.

More information

The SustainaBul has been the annual ranking of Dutch higher education institutions organised by ‘Studenten voor Morgen’ since 2012. Here, participating educational institutions are assessed using a questionnaire divided into the themes of sustainability in research, education, operations and integral approach. With the ranking, Students for Tomorrow hopes to stimulate educational institutions to become even more sustainable.

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