
EUR scientists in the media

Can Ukraine soon join the European Union? What can we do to help the people of Ukraine? And how dependent are we on Russian gas? Our scientists are regularly in the media about the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Our scientists on Ukraine

Our experts

Fabian Amtenbrink

Fabian Amtenbrink - Professor of European Union Law

It is very unrealistic that Ukraine will join the European Union in the short term.
Fabian Amtenbrink
It is very unrealistic that Ukraine will join the European Union in the short term.
Fabian Amtenbrink

Jan Rotmans

Jan Rotmans - Professor of Transition Studies

In recent times, the Netherlands have been pushing for more cooperation with Russia because we saw that the natural gas field in Groningen was going to close. So we have gone in exactly the opposite direction.
Jan Rotmans
In recent times, the Netherlands have been pushing for more cooperation with Russia because we saw that the natural gas field in Groningen was going to close. So we have gone in exactly the opposite direction.
Jan Rotmans

Thea Hilhorst

Thea Hilhorst - professor in Humanitarian Studies

The value of expressing solidarity on social media is underestimated.
Thea Hilhorst
The value of expressing solidarity on social media is underestimated.
Thea Hilhorst

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